9MAIL – WordPress Email Templates Designer

9mail – wordpress email templates designer

9MAIL – WordPress Email Templates Designer

9MAIL – WordPress Email Templates Designer is a powerful and user-friendly tool designed to help WordPress users create and customize email templates without any coding knowledge. This plugin offers a wide range of features that make it easy to design professional and personalized email templates that match your brand’s identity. Here’s an overview of its key features:

Key Features of 9MAIL – WordPress Email Templates Designer

  • Drag-and-Drop Builder: The intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows you to create and customize email templates easily. You can add, remove, or rearrange elements within the email template without needing any coding skills.
  • Customizable Layouts: Choose from layouts ranging from 1 to 4 columns and quickly add them to your email design.
  • Element Customization: Customize all elements of your email template, including text, images, buttons, dividers, social icons, and more. Each element comes with options to adjust font, color, size, alignment, borders, padding, and margins.
  • Custom CSS: If you need more control over the design, you can add custom CSS directly to the email template or to individual text elements.
  • Unlimited Rows: You can add as many rows as you need to the email template, ensuring that all necessary information is included.
  • Direction Support: Adjust the direction of the email content based on the language, supporting both left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) languages.
  • Live Preview: See changes in real-time with the live preview feature, which shows how your email will look on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Test Emails: Send test emails to check the design and layout before sending them to your customers.
  • Dynamic Data Placeholders: Use placeholders to dynamically display user and order data, such as customer names, site names, usernames, passwords, and more. These placeholders are replaced with real data when the emails are sent.
  • Multilingual Support: Fully compatible with multilingual plugins like WPML and Polylang, allowing you to create email templates in multiple languages.
  • Import/Export Templates: Easily import or export email templates to streamline your workflow and reuse designs across different projects.
  • Responsive Design: The templates are fully responsive, ensuring they look great on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Elements in 9MAIL

  • Text: Add and customize text with various formatting options, including font size, color, alignment, and more.
  • Divider: Insert dividers to separate sections of your email, with customizable styles and colors.
  • Social Icons: Add social media icons (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with links to your social profiles.
  • Image: Include images in your emails and customize their size, alignment, and borders.
  • Button: Add buttons with customizable text, links, and styles.
  • Menu Bar: Create a navigation bar with links to key sections of your site, like Home, Shop, and Contact.
  • Contact Info: Display contact details with icons for easy access.
  • Spacer: Add space between elements to improve the layout and readability of your emails.
  • Default Template: Use a default template if you’re working with third-party plugins that generate their own email content.

Additional Features

  • Admin Notes: Add notes to specific templates as reminders of important details or changes needed.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with ease of use in mind, 9MAIL continually updates to improve the user experience.
  • Integration Compatibility: Compatible with a wide range of third-party plugins, ensuring seamless integration with your existing WordPress setup.
  • Active Support: VillaTheme provides ongoing support to help you get the most out of the plugin.

9MAIL is a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to enhance their WordPress email communications with beautiful, customized templates that align with their brand. Whether you’re a developer or a WordPress user with no coding experience, this tool offers the flexibility and features needed to create stunning email designs.

Versione attuale v1.0.4
Ultimo aggiornamento September 1, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

Versione attuale v1.0.4
Ultimo aggiornamento September 1, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

100% Originale - Tutte le funzioni Premium incluse.

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Aggiornamenti inclusi (6 mesi) - da WPGlobalMarket

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Perché così a buon mercato?

WordPress applica la licenza GPL/GNU a TUTTI i plugin e temi creati per WordPress da sviluppatori di terze parti. La licenza GPL significa che ogni script scritto per WordPress e i suoi derivati devono essere liberi (compresi tutti i plugin e i temi). Poiché acquistiamo tutti gli articoli direttamente dagli autori e li ridistribuiamo al pubblico, siamo in grado di offrire prezzi incredibilmente bassi per gli articoli ufficiali. Il prezzo è un prezzo unico per l'accesso completo, non un pagamento ricorrente. L'assistenza agli autori originali non è inclusa quando si acquista da WPGlobalMarket. Si ottiene solo il file.

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