Easy Digital Downloads All Access

Easy digital downloads all access

Easy Digital Downloads All Access

Easy Digital Downloads All Access

Allow your guests to download any product from your website using their All Access Pass.

Increase your gains by dealing All Access enrollments – which give your guests an extremely advanced experience. All( or just some) of your store’s products will be right at your guests ’ fingertips when they need them. After copping class, they simply log in and start downloading products. Your guests spend further than they else would have, and also get further for their plutocrat – everyone wins.

When your guests buy an All Access Pass, they can log in and browse your point for products they ’d like to download. rather of seeing the normal “ Buy Now ” button, they ’ll see a “ Download ” button in its place. No more scrolling through long,un-searchable “ purchase history ” runners. Your products are formerly laid– out beautifully on your website and WordPress has erected– in hunt functionality. All Access puts that to work by letting your guests download directly from each product’s deals runner.

This makes for an astonishingly smooth stoner experience when looking for a specific product from your store. In seconds, they can searchfind, and download without demanding to pay anything fresh. They can download anything they want, whenever they want – and ONLY what they want. This makes it simpleeasy, and useful to your guests.


Set duration of access( any time length, from horizonless down to a single day)
Allow unlimited downloads or set download limits( for illustration, 1 download per day/ week/ month/ time)
Allow access to all products or limit by order( s)
Allow access to specific price variations only
Modify pass settings on a client– by- client base
produce unlimited “ tiered ” passes. For illustration “ Gold ”, “ tableware ”, and “ Citation ” access situations.
circumscribe content( like bedded vids textbook) on any runner, post, or product.
Allow products to be bought one- by- one AND vend All Access.
All Access Only mode so products can ONLY be downloaded using an access pass
Accept early renewals
Upsell to All Access beside any purchase button.
Show “ Login ” link beside any productuseful for being All Access guests)
Tool to convert previous– to- installed purchases into All Access Passes
Shortcode which shows anything to people WITHOUT an All Access Pass( useful for deals word)
Shortcode which only displays products the client can download using their All Access Pass
Shortcode which tells guests all of their All Access Pass details( downloads left, etc)
Discount Canons bear a valid All Access class for specific reduction canons to be used.

Integrations with other EDD extensions

EDD Recreating Sell bus– recreating access enrollments
EDD Software Licensing vend “ Master Licenses ” which work for all products and allowspro-rated upgrades
Frontend cessions & EDD Commissions Split the gains from All Access fairly among Shop merchandisers.

Current Version 1.2.6
Last Updated June 25, 2024
View Original Product & Demo View Original Product & Demo

Current Version 1.2.6
Last Updated June 25, 2024
View Original Product & Demo View Original Product & Demo

100% Original - All Premium Features Included.

We Buy and Download from Original Developers to ensure the most authentic and relevant version. Note: We are not directly affiliated or associated with the developers of this Plugin or Theme and we appreciate the efforts and original work of the authors. Names, phrases and trademarks are used to the minimum extent necessary to accurately and correctly describe the item.

Safe and Secure

Files are scanned for viruses regardless of whether they are original. All files are shared with you when they are safe.

Updates Included (6 Months) - from WPGlobalMarket

We ensure that your site is always up to date, you will be notified as soon as a new version is released on WPGlobalMarket and you will always be up to date

Why So Cheap?

WordPress applies the GPL/GNU license to ALL plugins and themes created for WordPress by 3rd party developers. The GPL license means that every script written for WordPress and its derivatives must be free (including all plugins and Themes). Because we buy all items directly from the authors and redistribute them to the public, we are able to offer incredibly low prices for official items. The price is a one-time price for full access, not a recurring payment. Original Author Support is not included when purchased from WPGlobalMarket. You only get the File.

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