Affirm – Marketing and Digital Agency WordPress Theme

Affirm – marketing and digital agency wordpress theme

Affirm – Marketing and Digital Agency WordPress Theme

The Affirm WordPress Theme, crafted by UiCore, is a feature-rich, versatile, and adaptable theme tailored for multiple website types and user experiences. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of its extensive functionalities:

Versatile Website Types:

  • Designed for various website categories including small businesses, corporate sites, landing pages, authority blogs, sales, marketing pages, online shops, and a top choice for freelancers.

Ease of Use and Installation:

  • Offers an impressive collection of demo templates, a block library, and a One-Click Demo Import feature for quick and simple setup.
  • The One-Click Website Installation tool allows for easy setup of the chosen demo website content, including pages, posts, widgets, navigation menu items, media, and theme options. It also automatically installs required plugins and reports any errors.
  • Access to the UiCore Template Library with 200+ pre-designed sections and pages for building a stunning website by combining preferred blocks effortlessly.

Powerful Elementor Integration:

  • Utilizes Elementor as its drag-and-drop page builder, providing full design control and generating clean code while maintaining pixel-perfect design.
  • Live Editing feature for real-time visualization and adjustments of website elements during the styling process.
  • Offers a Freehand Design Experience, Shape Dividers, faster editing, and flexible background options like images, slideshows, videos, and solid/gradient colors.
  • Revision History, Auto Save, Redo & Undo functionalities, Draft Mode, and Save & Reuse Elements streamline the design process.
  • Allows easy Export & Import between sites via a JSON file and provides a Hotkeys & Cheatsheet feature for keyboard shortcuts.

Rich Collection of Design Elements:

  • Includes 200+ elements available in Elementor page builder, catering to various functionalities ranging from 360° Product Viewer to Testimonials, Video Players, and Weather integration.

Theme Options Panel:

  • Offers extensive customization options for elements such as Global Colors, Global Fonts, Responsive Controls, Advanced Backgrounds, Full Typography, and Dark Mode.
  • Provides a live settings search, Preset Manager, Server Status, and Error Log for efficient theme management.

Page-Level Customizations:

  • Page options allowing overrides of global theme options without coding, enabling settings for page title, background, layout, header, footer, custom CSS, and JS.

Google Fonts, Blogging, and Portfolio:

  • Access to 990+ Google Fonts, comprehensive blogging layouts, and portfolio features for impactful brand representation.
  • Customizable blog and portfolio grids, typography options, Elementor compatibility, and dedicated Elementor widget for grid placement.

Visual Form Builder:

  • Empowers users to create powerful online forms with 25 fields, newsletter integrations, GDPR consent, Google reCAPTCHA, file upload, export entries, and more.

Header, Footer, and Mobile Customizations:

  • Extensive header and footer options including transparency settings, call-to-action buttons, menu typography, mobile menu customization, and logo height adjustments.

Performance, SEO, and Cross-Browser Compatibility:

  • Emphasis on fast loading, SEO optimization, WPML and Polylang compatibility, responsiveness, retina-friendliness, animations, multisite testing, and child theme readiness.

Code Quality and Core Features:

  • Adheres to industry best practices with clean code, compatibility across modern browsers, extensive core features including support for Elementor, multiple demos, templates, premium elements, WooCommerce readiness, and advanced Google Maps styles.

Affirm provides a comprehensive set of tools, extensive customization options, and a user-friendly interface to cater to diverse website needs, empowering users to create visually appealing, functional, and high-performing websites.

Version actuelle 3.1.1
Dernière mise à jour September 16, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

Version actuelle 3.1.1
Dernière mise à jour September 16, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

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