Media Grid WordPress Responsive Portfolio

Media grid wordpress responsive portfolio

Media Grid WordPress Responsive Portfolio

Media Grid WordPress Responsive Portfolio

Media Grid is a versatile WordPress plugin that allows you to create responsive, filterable, and paginated portfolios with ease. This plugin utilizes a masonry engine, providing unique and dynamic layouts for showcasing various types of media. Here are some of the key features of the Media Grid plugin:

  1. Unlimited Layout-Free Portfolios: You can create an unlimited number of portfolios, and you have the flexibility to shape and arrange items as you see fit. This allows for the creation of diverse grids based on your specific needs.
  2. Visual Grid Builder: Media Grid provides a user-friendly, drag-and-drop grid builder, making it easy to design your layouts. It even offers a mobile mode for responsiveness.
  3. Dynamic Grids: You can create dynamic grids that repeat your base layouts and optionally shuffle elements. This is useful for maintaining a fresh and dynamic appearance for your portfolios.
  4. Mixing Media Types: Media Grid enables you to mix and match different media types dynamically or manually within the same grid. This flexibility allows you to adapt to any container and present your content in various ways.
  5. 1-Click Grid Cloning: Easily clone grids with a single click, saving you time when setting up multiple portfolios with similar structures.
  6. Pagination Options: The plugin offers six pagination systems to choose from, including infinite scroll and numbered buttons. This allows you to tailor the pagination style to your preference.
  7. SEO Deeplinking: Media Grid includes a complete SEO deeplinking system, tracking lightbox views, filters, searches, and pagination. This helps with search engine optimization and user navigation.
  8. CSS-Based Items Shaping: The items within your grids are shaped using CSS, ensuring fast loading times and smooth performance.
  9. Media Support: You can include various types of media in your grids, such as single images, image sliders with video support, inline image sliders, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, self-hosted videos, SoundCloud, self-hosted audio, inline text with video backgrounds, custom content in lightboxes, links, and more.
  10. Items Filtering: Media Grid offers a filtering system to categorize and search for items within your portfolios. You can filter by categories or custom tags.
  11. Custom Icons for Filters: There are 675 icons available to beautify filters and customize the overlay of items.
  12. Searchable Items: You can search for items within your grids, and this search can optionally extend to include pages or custom post types.
  13. Items Overlay Positioning: Filters and search options can be positioned on the grid’s top, left, or right side, allowing you to customize the layout.
  14. Lightbox Support: The plugin includes a revolutionary AJAX lightbox, supporting HTML and shortcodes. You have various options for lightbox layouts, styles, and entrance effects.
  15. Unlimited Content Length: There are no limitations on the length of content within lightboxes, and the content-to-text height matching feature ensures proper presentation.
  16. Image Zoom: Single image items can be zoomed in, enhancing the user experience.
  17. Social Sharing: You can enable social sharing, utilizing item data for sharing on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.

Media Grid is a feature-rich plugin that provides the tools and flexibility needed to create visually appealing and highly functional portfolios on your WordPress website. Whether you’re showcasing images, videos, audio, or other media types, this plugin can help you achieve your desired layout and presentation.

Version actuelle 8.0.2
Dernière mise à jour September 16, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

 5/5
Version actuelle 8.0.2
Dernière mise à jour September 16, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

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