Modern Events Calendar

Modern events calendar

Modern Events Calendar

Modern Events Calendar

The Modern Events Calendar has been meticulously designed using the latest design principles and cutting-edge technology, featuring an appealing and practical design concept. It incorporates a comprehensive set of features for event management, including an advanced booking system and various practical options suitable for real-world applications. Below are the main features and functionalities it offers:


  • Event Image: You can add an image to each event.
  • Location Maps: Integrated maps for event locations.
  • Single and Multiple Day Events: Create events spanning multiple days.
  • All-Day Events: Ability to schedule events that last the entire day.
  • Integration with Google Calendar: Easily add events to your Google Calendar.
  • iCal, Outlook, etc. Compatibility: Users can download .ics files for adding events to their preferred calendars.
  • Advanced Event Locations System: Detailed management of event locations.
  • Advanced Event Organizer System: Organize events efficiently.
  • Image Support for Locations and Organizers: Add images to locations and organizers.
  • Tagging Events: Tagging and categorization options.
  • Repeating Events: Create events with various repeating patterns, including daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
  • Custom Event Intervals: Specify custom intervals for recurring events.
  • Never-Ending Events: Ability to create events with no set end date.
  • Event Countdown: Display countdowns to event start dates.
  • Google Maps Directions: Provide directions using Google Maps.
  • Shortcode Creator Interface: Simplify the process of creating shortcodes.
  • Advanced Filtering Options for Shortcodes: Customize event lists using various filters.
  • Dynamic Event Labels: Display dynamic labels for events.
  • Hide Past Events: Option to hide events that have already occurred.
  • Custom CSS: Insert custom CSS to modify the appearance.
  • Featured Events: Ability to showcase featured events.
  • Month Navigation: Smooth navigation through months.
  • Google Maps Styles: Choose from over 10 different map styles for Google Maps.
  • Export Events: Easily export event data from the WordPress backend.
  • Comment Form Support: Users can leave comments on single event pages.
  • Translation Ready: Available in English and Spanish languages.


  • Font Awesome Icons: Utilize Font Awesome icons.
  • Multiple Color Skins: Choose from multiple color themes.
  • Custom Color Selection: Define custom colors for your events.
  • Various Display Views: Monthly, weekly, daily, list/grid, and map views.
  • Google Maps Integration: Display events on Google Maps based on their location.
  • RTL Support: Right-to-left language support.


  • Ticket Creation: Create various types of tickets, including free tickets.
  • Booking Limitations: Set limits on total bookings and certain ticket types.
  • Custom Booking Fields: Add custom fields to the booking form.
  • Global Tax/Fee System: Manage taxes and fees.
  • Coupons and Discounts: Implement coupon and discount management.
  • Payment Methods: Support for Pay locally, PayPal Express, and PayPal Credit Card.
  • Payment Method Configuration: Enable/disable payment methods as needed.
  • Booking Notifications: Send notifications to bookers and admins.
  • Booking Verification: Automatically verify bookings, whether free or paid.
  • Booking Data Export: Export booking data to CSV and MS Excel formats.


  • WPML and Multisite Support: Compatible with WPML and WordPress Multisite.
  • Visual Composer Addon: Seamlessly integrates with Visual Composer.
  • Cache and SEO Plugin Compatibility: Works well with cache and SEO plugins.


  • Theme Overrides: Ability to override archive and single pages in a theme.
  • Filter and Action Hooks: Utilize WordPress filtering and action APIs for customization.


  • WooCommerce and Stripe Integration: Integration with WooCommerce and Stripe for payment processing.
  • Mailchimp and BuddyPress Integration: Compatibility with Mailchimp and BuddyPress.
  • Google Calendar and Facebook Sync: Import events from Google Calendar and Facebook.
  • Export Options: Export filtered events in CSV, MS Excel, JSON, and XML formats.
  • Exceptional Days: Handle special event days.
  • Google Recaptcha: Implement Google Recaptcha for security.
  • Hourly Schedule: Ability to schedule events by the hour.
  • Widget Support: Available as widgets in all sidebars.
  • Shortcodes and Visual Composer: Match shortcodes with Visual Composer.
  • Frontend Event Submission: Allow frontend event submissions.
  • Custom CSS: Apply custom CSS for further customization.
  • Advanced Categorization and Filtering: Categorize and filter events effectively.
  • Event Note for Frontend Submission: Include notes for frontend event submissions.
  • Notifications: Send notifications for various event-related actions.
  • Recurring Events: Manage repeating events with ease.
  • Next Event Module: Display the next upcoming event.
  • Auto Verification: Automatically verify bookings via email.
  • Taxes and Fees: Advanced tax and fee system.
  • Multiple Color Skins: Choose from various color themes.
  • Multiple Display Views: Monthly, weekly, daily, list/grid, map, and more.
  • Booking Form Creation: Design custom booking forms.
  • Language Support: Supports European languages.

This comprehensive event management plugin offers a wide range of features and customization options to meet your event management needs.

Version actuelle v7.14.1
Dernière mise à jour September 9, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

 5/5
Version actuelle v7.14.1
Dernière mise à jour September 9, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

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