XT WooCommerce Floating Cart Pro

Xt woocommerce floating cart pro

XT WooCommerce Floating Cart Pro

The “XT WooCommerce Floating Cart Pro” is a WooCommerce plugin designed to enhance the user experience on your online store by providing an interactive floating cart that slides in when users choose to purchase a product. Here are some of its key features and functionalities:

Caractéristiques principales :

  • Interactive WooCommerce Floating Cart: This feature adds a floating cart to your online store, which is accessible to users when they decide to purchase a product. The cart slides in when activated, making it easy for users to view and manage their selected items.
  • Customization: The plugin is highly customizable, and you can adjust various aspects of the floating cart. Some of the customization options include:
    • Google Fonts: You can apply Google Fonts to the cart for a unique look.
    • Cart Location: Modify the position of the floating cart on your website.
    • Cart Dimensions: Adjust the width and height of the cart to fit your design.
    • Counter Role: Customize the role of the counter that displays the number of items in the cart.
    • Backgrounds and Colors: Choose custom backgrounds and colors for the cart.
    • Custom Icons: You can use SVG, image, or font icons as custom icons.
    • Spinner Animations: There are 11 spinner animations to choose from for loading.
  • Live Preview: Customize your floating cart using the WordPress Customizer’s live preview feature. This allows you to see the changes in real time.
  • Cart Visibility: The cart icon with the item count remains visible on all pages, making it easy for users to access their cart.
  • Enhance Conversions: Encourage visitors who have added items to their cart but haven’t completed the purchase to finalize their orders. By keeping the cart visible and accessible, you can improve conversion rates.
  • Ajax Support: Goods, quantities, and prices are updated instantly via Ajax, creating a seamless and responsive shopping experience.
  • Exclude Pages: You can exclude specific pages from displaying the floating cart view.
  • Checkout Options: Choose to redirect users to the cart page or checkout page when they click the checkout button.
  • Animation: Enable animation for the “Fly to Cart” effect, adding a visually appealing aspect to the user experience.
  • Quick View Modals: The plugin is supported by Ajax Add to Cart in Quick View Modals, enhancing product exploration and purchasing options.
  • Product Variations: Product variations and attributes are supported within the cart, making it easy for users to review their selections.
  • RTL Support: The plugin supports Right-to-Left (RTL) language configurations for international audiences.

By incorporating the XT WooCommerce Floating Cart Pro, you can offer an engaging and interactive shopping experience for your customers, potentially reducing cart abandonment rates and increasing overall sales on your online store.

Version actuelle 2.8.0
Dernière mise à jour July 30, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstrationVoir le produit original et la démonstration

 5/5
Version actuelle 2.8.0
Dernière mise à jour July 30, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstrationVoir le produit original et la démonstration

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