WordPress Automatic Plugin

Wordpress automatic plugin

WordPress Automatic Plugin

WordPress Automatic Plugin

The WordPress Automatic Plugin is a versatile tool that automates the process of posting content to your WordPress website from various sources. Here are the key features and functions of this plugin:

  1. Auto Post from Various Sources:
    • The plugin can automatically post content from multiple sources, including YouTube, Twitter, RSS feeds, web pages, Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, ClickBank, Envato, Craigslist, CareerJet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Flickr, Vimeo, DailyMotion, SoundCloud, iTunes, EzineArticles, Spintax content, TikTok, Telegram channels, and more.
  2. Content Generation with OpenAI GPT3:
    • The plugin can generate content using OpenAI GPT3. You can specify keywords or prompts, and the plugin will request articles matching your criteria from OpenAI. It supports multiple languages and custom prompts.
  3. RSS Feed Import:
    • You can add any RSS feed to the plugin, and it will automatically import posts from the feed, including full content, author, tags, categories, and featured images.
  4. Web Scraping:
    • The plugin can scrape content from almost any web page. It supports both single-page scraping and multi-page scraping with pagination. It monitors specific parts of a URL and copies the content to new or existing posts when changes occur.
  5. Product Imports:
    • The plugin can automatically import products from Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, and ClickBank. It offers full WooCommerce support with product gallery, pricing, and automatic affiliate links.
  6. Social Media Imports:
    • You can import content from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, and more. The plugin allows for filtering options to select specific content types, dates, and more.
  7. Content Extraction and Manipulation:
    • WordPress Automatic can extract specific parts of original posts using CSS, XPath, or REGEX and concatenate them into WordPress posts. You can also search and replace content, set the post creation time to match the original post, extract categories and tags, and more.
  8. Skip and Filter Options:
    • The plugin provides several options to skip posts without content, skip non-English posts, skip posts without images, and skip duplicate titles.
  9. Featured Images and Encoding:
    • You can set featured images for posts using Facebook og:image tags. The plugin also supports encoding conversion to ensure compatibility with WordPress.
  10. Affiliate Marketing:
    • The plugin supports affiliate marketing by automatically adding affiliate links to products imported from Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, and ClickBank.
  11. Advanced Options:
    • You can further refine the content import process by specifying search criteria, price ranges, and search orders. The plugin offers options for posting Amazon products based on browse nodes and allows you to add products to the WooCommerce store.

This plugin is a powerful automation tool for WordPress website owners, especially those interested in content curation, affiliate marketing, and social media content integration. It simplifies the process of content import and generation, saving time and effort in managing website content.

Version actuelle 3.103.0
Dernière mise à jour September 16, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

 5/5
Version actuelle 3.103.0
Dernière mise à jour September 16, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

100% Original - Toutes les fonctionnalités Premium sont incluses.

Nous achetons et téléchargeons à partir des développeurs originaux afin de garantir la version la plus authentique et la plus pertinente. Note : Nous ne sommes pas directement affiliés ou associés aux développeurs de ce plugin ou thème et nous apprécions les efforts et le travail original des auteurs. Les noms, phrases et marques déposées sont utilisés dans la mesure minimale nécessaire pour décrire l'article de manière précise et correcte.

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