WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

Woocommerce pdf invoices & packing slips

WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

The WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin is a valuable tool for e-commerce businesses using WooCommerce. It offers a range of features to automate the creation and management of PDF invoices for your customers. Here are some of the key features and functionalities of this plugin:

1. Create PDF Invoices Automatically:

  • This plugin enables you to generate PDF invoices for each customer’s order automatically. Invoices are a crucial requirement for various purposes, such as legal compliance or for customers to upload into their booking systems.

2. Attach Invoices to Order Emails:

  • The generated PDF invoices can be automatically attached to order-related emails. Customers will receive their invoices conveniently with order confirmation emails, on the thank you page, and within their order details.

3. Unique Preview Functionality:

  • The plugin offers a unique preview feature that allows you to test the design and layout of your invoices. This ensures that your invoices look professional and meet your specific needs.

4. Customize Invoice Layout:

  • As an admin, you have the flexibility to modify the layout of your invoices. You can add a header with a logo, text, and other content. Additionally, you can include address blocks and customize the invoice with custom text, images, HTML, and more.

5. Create & Attach Credit Notes:

  • In addition to invoices, you can also create and attach credit notes to order-related emails and pages.

6. Modify Address and Content Templates:

  • Use order variables or add custom content, text, images, and HTML to personalize the address and content templates according to your requirements.

7. Display Company Information:

  • The plugin allows you to show an up to 4-column footer with your company data, including VAT information.

8. Demo Settings Included:

  • The plugin offers demo settings for your convenience, making it easy to set up and customize your PDF invoices.

9. Translateable:

  • You can easily translate the plugin to suit the language and preferences of your customers.

10. Easy to Use: – The user-friendly interface of the plugin ensures that you can easily set up and customize your PDF invoices without complications.

This plugin is a valuable addition to any WooCommerce-based e-commerce website. It helps you meet customer needs by automatically generating PDF invoices and attaching them to order communications. It also provides you with the flexibility to customize the invoice layout, making it a professional representation of your business.

Version actuelle 1.5.0
Dernière mise à jour June 22, 2023
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

 5/5
Version actuelle 1.5.0
Dernière mise à jour June 22, 2023
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

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