WooCommerce Appointments

Woocommerce appointments

WooCommerce Appointments

WooCommerce Appointments

The finest appointment scheduling software available today provides an array of features to streamline your booking process and enhance your business operations. With the integration of this WooCommerce extension, you have the capability to not only schedule appointments but also manage payments and ensure a well-organized calendar while reducing the chances of no-shows through advanced notifications and reminders.

Key Features of this Appointment Scheduling Software:

  1. Native WooCommerce Integration: Seamlessly integrates with your WooCommerce platform for a holistic e-commerce experience.
  2. Appointments Focused: Designed with a primary focus on appointment scheduling to cater to businesses with appointment-based services.
  3. Quick Setup: Offers a straightforward setup process for your convenience, ensuring you can get started without unnecessary complications.
  4. Included Add-ons: Comes with additional add-ons to enhance the functionality and features of the software.
  5. 2-way Google Calendar Sync for Staff and Main Calendar (New): Allows two-way synchronization with Google Calendar, making it easier to manage appointments for both staff and the main calendar.
  6. Staff Management & Login: Efficiently manage staff profiles and provide secure login access.
  7. Assign Multiple Staff (New): Assign multiple staff members to appointments for a more comprehensive scheduling system.
  8. Flexible Availability Rules: Set flexible rules for staff availability to cater to varying schedules and working hours.
  9. Flexible Capacity Rules: Define capacity rules to manage the number of appointments available at any given time.
  10. Flexible Pricing Rules: Set dynamic pricing rules based on specific criteria or services offered.
  11. Timezone Conversion (New): Seamlessly handle appointments in different time zones with this convenient feature.
  12. Linked Time Slots: Connect related time slots to streamline the booking process.
  13. Multi-days Scheduling: Support multi-day appointment scheduling for longer or recurring appointments.
  14. Charge for Service Delivery: Implement a payment system to charge for service delivery at the time of booking.
  15. Scheduling Window, Lead Time: Define scheduling windows and lead times for booking appointments to better manage your calendar.
  16. Padding Time: Allocate padding time between appointments for a more relaxed and efficient booking process.
  17. Confirmation / Cancellation: Implement confirmation and cancellation processes to ensure that appointments are accurately managed.
  18. Multilingual Compatibility: Support multiple languages for a more inclusive experience for your clients.
  19. Developer Friendly: Offers flexibility for developers to customize and integrate the software into your existing systems.
  20. White Label: The ability to rebrand and use the software as your own, giving your business a personalized touch.
  21. Insert as Shortcode: Easily insert booking forms as shortcodes on your website for seamless booking.
  22. Price Based on Countries: Offer dynamic pricing based on the customer’s location or country.
  23. WC Memberships Integration: Seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce Memberships for a more comprehensive membership experience.
  24. WC Follow Up Emails Integration: Integrate with WooCommerce Follow Up Emails to manage post-booking communications.
  25. WC Gravity Forms Integration: Combine with WooCommerce Gravity Forms for enhanced form creation and management.
  26. WC Deposits Integration: Support deposit payments to secure appointments.
  27. WC Extra Product Options: Offer extra product options and customizations to enhance the booking experience.
  28. WC Twilio SMS Reminders: Integrate Twilio for SMS reminders to keep clients informed about their appointments.

In summary, this appointment scheduling software, when combined with the WooCommerce extension, provides a comprehensive solution for businesses that rely on appointments. It streamlines the booking process, ensures payment collection, and minimizes the chances of no-shows, ultimately improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your business.

Version actuelle 4.16.1
Dernière mise à jour January 24, 2023
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

 5/5
Version actuelle 4.16.1
Dernière mise à jour January 24, 2023
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

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