Divi Ajax Search

Divi ajax search

Divi Ajax Search

The Divi Ajax Search plugin offers a seamless search experience with three unique layouts, allowing you to display search results in grids and cards. Layouts 2 and 3 provide options to display search information like title and excerpt over and below the cards with transparency and no transparency of the featured image, creating a clear and engaging view.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Search Results: Display users’ search results directly in the search field as they type, offering a dynamic and interactive search experience.
  • Configurable Search Areas: Choose where the search queries are performed, whether it’s the title of a product, the content of a post, or multiple search areas and post types. Customize it to show results from different content types and areas.
  • Customizable Display Options: Decide what to display in the search results, such as Title, Excerpt, Featured Image, and Product Price. You can also show/hide the search icon in the Ajax Search bar.
  • Versatile Search Result Combinations: Showcase search results with various combinations like title only, excerpt only, title with excerpt, featured image only, or a mix of title, excerpt, and featured image.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Seamlessly integrate WooCommerce product search. Display search results for products, including SKUs or attributes, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for.
  • Clear Search Cross Icon: Enable a cross icon next to the search icon in the search field, allowing users to clear the search results easily if they don’t find what they’re looking for.
  • Pagination and Excerpt Limit Control: Enhance the user experience with pagination, previous and next links with custom text support, and control over the amount of information displayed in excerpts.
  • Multiple Columns and Masonry Layout: Display search results in multiple columns or a masonry layout for a spacious and engaging presentation.
  • ‘See All Results’ Link: Add a ‘See All Results’ text linked to the all search results page, allowing users to explore more comprehensive search results on a dedicated page.
  • Extended Styling Options: Customize the appearance of search results with additional styling options like padding, borders, and background color to create a visually appealing interface.

Why Use Divi Ajax Search?

  • Live Search for Various Content Types: Supports live search for posts, pages, custom post types, WooCommerce products, categories, tags, SKUs, and attributes.
  • Customizable and Easy to Use: Easy customization options make it simple to tailor the search functionality to your needs.
  • Divi Page Builder Friendly: Fully compatible with the Divi page builder, ensuring seamless integration and customization.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Provides quicker, smarter, and more efficient search functionality, improving the overall user experience on your website.

Get the Divi Ajax Search plugin today and let your website visitors enjoy a fast, easy, and enhanced search experience. Enhance your website’s functionality, performance, and user interface with Divi Ajax Search. Don’t wait—get the plugin now!

Version actuelle v1.1.3
Dernière mise à jour June 5, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

Version actuelle v1.1.3
Dernière mise à jour June 5, 2024
Voir le produit original et la démonstration Voir le produit original et la démonstration

100% Original - Toutes les fonctionnalités Premium sont incluses.

Nous achetons et téléchargeons à partir des développeurs originaux afin de garantir la version la plus authentique et la plus pertinente. Note : Nous ne sommes pas directement affiliés ou associés aux développeurs de ce plugin ou thème et nous apprécions les efforts et le travail original des auteurs. Les noms, phrases et marques déposées sont utilisés dans la mesure minimale nécessaire pour décrire l'article de manière précise et correcte.

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