YITH Booking for WooCommerce Premium

Yith booking for woocommerce premium

YITH Booking for WooCommerce Premium

YITH Booking for WooCommerce Premium

The YITH Booking for WooCommerce plugin is a comprehensive booking system that can be integrated into your website, allowing your customers to conveniently book your products, services, or venues. This plugin automates the entire booking process and offers a wide range of customization options to tailor it to your specific needs.

Key Features of YITH Booking for WooCommerce:

  1. Flexible Booking Options: Create bookable goods with no limits, including both virtual and non-virtual products.
  2. Time-Based Bookings: Configure reservations based on various timeframes, including weekly, daily, hourly, or even per-minute bookings.
  3. Customer Choice: Allow customers to choose the start and end dates for their booking, or set fixed dates for them.
  4. Minimum and Maximum Booking Period: Set limits on the minimum and maximum booking periods to control reservations effectively.
  5. Automatic Confirmation: New bookings are automatically confirmed or can be set to “pending confirmation” status.
  6. Cancellation Policy: Enable customers to cancel their reservations up to a specified time before the booking start date.
  7. Location-Based Booking: Set specific locations for booking using Google API, including cities and towns worldwide.
  8. Pricing Flexibility: Apply a base fee for the booking and additional fees based on variables like seasonal rates, the number of people, and booking duration.
  9. Quantity Limits: Restrict the number of bookings allowed on the same date and manage buffer periods between bookings.
  10. Date Restrictions: Set limits on the creation of bookings for specific dates and restrict check-in and check-out on certain days of the week.
  11. Customer Categories: Define customer types during the booking process, such as adults, children, or other categories you create.
  12. Additional Services: Offer additional services or features for an extra fee during the booking process.
  13. Custom Search Forms: Create customized search forms to filter and find available bookings easily.
  14. Booking Calendar: Display booking calendars for each bookable product and show the availability directly on the product page.
  15. Search Functionality: Include a search for booking availability using keywords and tags, and display booking types in widgets.
  16. Manual Bookings: Manually create bookings from the WordPress backend and include private or customer notes.
  17. View Bookings Schedule: Get an overview of all bookings in a dedicated calendar view, by day and month.
  18. Google Calendar Integration: Synchronize your admin calendar with Google Calendar to manage your schedule effectively.
  19. External Calendar Sync: Auto-synchronize your bookings with popular platforms like Booking.com, Airbnb, and HomeAway.

The YITH Booking for WooCommerce plugin provides you with a powerful and flexible booking system to enhance your online business. Whether you’re offering reservations for accommodations, services, appointments, or events, this plugin streamlines the process, automates tasks, and offers a range of features to improve the booking experience for both you and your customers.

Versión actual 5.11.0
Última actualización April 11, 2024
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 5/5
Versión actual 5.11.0
Última actualización April 11, 2024
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