MEC – Fluent-view Layouts Addon

Mec – fluent-view layouts addon

MEC – Fluent-view Layouts Addon

MEC – Fluent-view Layouts Addon

MEC Fluent View Layouts is an add-on for the Modern Events Calendar (MEC), a WordPress event calendar plugin designed with a modern and stylish approach. This add-on introduces a variety of new skins and features to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your calendar. Below are some of the key features of MEC Fluent View Layouts:

New Skins: MEC Fluent View Layouts includes more than 20 skins for all shortcodes and single events. These skins can be applied with a single click, instantly transforming the appearance of your calendar and events.

More Freedom: In addition to the new skins, you have the option to choose fluent styles, providing you with even more flexibility in designing your event calendar.

Responsive: The add-on is fully responsive and compatible with all devices, including mobile phones and tablets, ensuring that your calendar looks great on any screen size.

Optimized Accessibility: MEC Fluent View Layouts is designed to offer simplified and optimized access to events. This improved accessibility enhances the user experience for your website visitors.

Professional Filtering: The add-on offers professional filtering options, providing a seamless way for users to find the events they’re interested in. The user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) for filtering have been improved to make it easier for visitors to navigate your events.

No Need for Special Configurations: Applying the fluent view layout from the available skins is as simple as clicking a button. There’s no need for complex configurations, making it easy to update your calendar’s appearance.

Single Event Widgets: The add-on enhances the look of widgets for single events, giving them a more modern and stylish appearance, which can enhance the overall aesthetic of your website.

Reservation System: MEC Fluent View Layouts includes an improved reservation system with a stylish UI and optimized UX. This system facilitates communication between your website and end users, making it easier for them to reserve or book events.

MEC Fluent View Layouts is a valuable addition for users of the Modern Events Calendar (both Lite and Pro versions) who want to refresh the look of their event calendar, provide a better user experience, and make their events more visually appealing. With a variety of skins and enhanced features, this add-on is designed to help your website’s calendar stand out.

Versión actual 1.6.5
Última actualización May 29, 2024
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Versión actual 1.6.5
Última actualización May 29, 2024
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