MapSVG – The Last WordPress Map Plugin You’ll Ever Need

Mapsvg – the last wordpress map plugin you’ll ever need

MapSVG – The Last WordPress Map Plugin You’ll Ever Need

MapSVG is a versatile WordPress plugin designed to create interactive maps, store locators, and visual data representations. It’s more than just a mapping tool, as it includes a built-in custom database that seamlessly integrates with SVG vector maps, Google Maps, and even image maps. Here’s a breakdown of its features:

Características principales:

1. Multiple Map Types:

  • SVG Vector Maps: Comes with all country maps and customizable vector overlays.
  • Google Maps: Unlimited custom styles with full integration.
  • Image Maps: Add interactivity to any PNG or JPEG image, such as floor plans or illustrations.

2. Custom Database:

  • Create custom objects (like locations, properties, or stores) and display them on your maps as markers or regions.
  • Built-in database is optimized for fast performance and easy editing.

3. Interactive Mapping:

  • Show content on maps via markers, clusters, popovers, tooltips, or detailed views when clicking on a marker or map region.
  • Add a menu next to the map to display a list of objects or locations.

4. Filtering:

  • Users can filter map results using:
    • Text search
    • Search by address or current user location
    • Search by zip code
    • Custom fields for advanced filtering

5. Data Visualization:

  • Visualize large datasets on the map, such as statistical information or data analysis, using color gradients across different regions.

6. Customization Options:

  • Customize map behaviors and functionality by adding custom JavaScript to handle events (e.g., click on markers or map regions).
  • Style maps using the built-in CSS editor and template editor for easy design adjustments.

7. Integrations:

  • Add shortcodes from other plugins, such as showing a contact form when clicking on a marker, and passing relevant data like emails to form fields.
  • MapSVG.Gallery add-on for adding image galleries, sliders, and lightbox functionality to the map.

8. Drill-Down Maps:

  • Use the drill-down functionality to display hierarchical maps. For instance, a master map can show a country, and clicking a region can lead to detailed sub-maps (e.g., a building floor plan).
  • Users can toggle the visibility of certain objects or map layers.

Use Cases:

  • Store Locator: Add locations with detailed information and allow users to search by proximity or filters.
  • Data Visualization: Display demographic or statistical data by region, using visual tools to highlight patterns.
  • Custom Interactive Maps: Use any custom image to create interactive maps (e.g., floor plans or museum exhibits).


MapSVG is ideal for users who need flexible, highly customizable maps integrated with databases. It supports a wide range of use cases, from simple store locators to complex, multi-layered maps. Its ability to combine data, customization, and interactive elements makes it a powerful tool for creating unique mapping experiences on WordPress.

Versión actual v8.3.8
Última actualización September 13, 2024
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Versión actual v8.3.8
Última actualización September 13, 2024
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