JetBooking For Elementor

Jetbooking for elementor

JetBooking For Elementor

JetBooking for Elementor is an add-on developed by Crocoblock, offering specialized booking functionalities for Elementor-powered WordPress sites. Here are its key features:


  1. Elementor Integration: Designed exclusively to integrate seamlessly with Elementor, providing an optimized booking experience for Elementor users.
  2. Booking Functionality: Enables the creation of various booking-related websites, such as bike rentals, studio bookings, hotel reservations, and apartment rentals.


  1. Quick Product Pages: Allows the creation of product pages and listings effortlessly, facilitating the process of showcasing and managing bookings.
  2. Compatibility: Works well with other plugins like JetEngine, JetThemeCore, or Elementor Pro, enhancing the capabilities of your pages when combined.
  3. Advanced Filtering: Provides flexible filtering options based on availability, property characteristics, and other relevant criteria, enabling visitors to find and select items as per their preferences.
  4. Customizable Booking Forms: Offers the creation of extensive and visually appealing booking forms, making it easier to gather necessary information from visitors for efficient backend processing.
  5. Notification Customization: Allows customization of booking notifications upon form submission, aiding in synchronization, process automation, and backend handling through service integration.


  1. Ease of Use: Simplifies the creation and management of product listings and booking forms within Elementor.
  2. Flexible Filtering: Offers extensive options for filtering items, catering to diverse visitor needs.
  3. Enhanced Booking Forms: Provides visually appealing and customizable booking forms for a user-friendly experience.
  4. Notification Customization: Allows customization of notifications for streamlined backend processes.

JetBooking for Elementor appears to be a comprehensive add-on that empowers Elementor users to create booking-centric websites with ease, offering extensive functionalities for managing bookings and creating engaging booking forms within the Elementor environment.

Versión actual 3.5.2
Última actualización September 16, 2024
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 5/5
Versión actual 3.5.2
Última actualización September 16, 2024
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