YouTube Plugin – WordPress Gallery for YouTube

Youtube plugin – wordpress gallery for youtube

YouTube Plugin – WordPress Gallery for YouTube

En Yottie – YouTube Plugin for WordPress is a feature-rich plugin that helps you display YouTube videos on your WordPress website with ease. It’s designed to provide you with a wide range of customization options and features. Here are some of the notable features of the Yottie plugin:

Main Features:

  • Source: Connect your YouTube channel to your website to display videos and playlists.
  • Content Sharing: You can easily share multiple YouTube videos as well as playlists.
  • Sorting: Sort your videos based on different criteria such as date, views, likes, dislikes, location, and comments.
  • Caching: Define the duration for which data is cached in the browser.
  • Categories: Create custom categories to organize your video content.

Display Settings:

  • Set the number of columns and rows in the video gallery.
  • Adjust the spacing between video previews.
  • Display or hide the header.
  • Choose from different player header layouts: Classic, Accent, Minimal.
  • Turn on or off various data points: logo, banner, channel name, video count, subscriber count, view count, subscribe button.
  • Customize the header with your channel’s logo, banner, and name.

User Interface:

  • Choose from three types of navigation controls: Arrows, Scroll, or Drag.
  • Enable or disable Free Mode for video margin scrolling.
  • Select one of the five available transition effects for sliding content: slip, fade, coverflow, cube, flip.
  • Adjust the sliding speed.


  • Choose a color scheme for the header, groups, content, and popup video gallery.
  • Customize more than 60 UI elements with various color options.
  • Use ready-made color schemes: default, dark, red, or deep blue.

WordPress Integration:

  • Utilize the latest admin UI for an enhanced user experience.
  • Access the online builder control to make real-time adjustments through a live preview.
  • If you use Visual Composer, the plugin is compatible with it, providing additional customization options.
  • Receive automatic plugin updates through the WordPress admin panel.

Display Options:

  • You can use Yottie in different ways, such as creating a carousel, displaying a single video, or showcasing videos in a structured channel.
  • Customize your video gallery to meet your website’s specific needs and desired layout.
  • Embed the video gallery on your WordPress website using a simple shortcode.

Yottie offers various customization options to help you seamlessly integrate YouTube videos into your WordPress website. Whether you want to create a stunning video gallery, display single videos, or use different styles, this plugin provides you with the flexibility to achieve your desired results.

Versión actual 3.5.0
Última actualización September 9, 2021
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Versión actual 3.5.0
Última actualización September 9, 2021
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