YITH Woocommerce Waiting List Premium

Yith woocommerce waiting list premium

YITH Woocommerce Waiting List Premium

The YITH WooCommerce Waiting List Premium plugin is a powerful tool for WooCommerce store owners that helps prevent lost sales when products are out of stock. Here’s what this plugin achieves and how it can benefit your online store:

What is achieved by the plugin:

  • The plugin enables you to create a waiting list for out-of-stock products in your WooCommerce store.
  • Customers can register on the waiting list to express their interest in a product that is currently unavailable.
  • When the previously out-of-stock items become available for purchase, the plugin automatically alerts the users who have subscribed to the waiting list.

How it will help you:

  1. Build a List of Potential Clients: The waiting list feature allows you to collect the contact information of customers who are interested in specific products. This list can be valuable for future marketing and communication.
  2. Automatic Alerts: When a product becomes available again, the plugin sends automatic notifications to users on the waiting list, informing them that the product is back in stock. This helps you recover sales by notifying interested customers promptly.
  3. Recover Sales: By offering customers products similar to those they are interested in, you can increase your chances of making a sale. The waiting list feature helps you keep potential buyers engaged and provides alternatives to the out-of-stock products.
  4. Pre-Launch Campaigns: You can schedule pre-launch campaigns for certain products and build a mailing list of customers interested in those products before making them available for sale. This creates anticipation and demand.

The plugin has been positively received by many users, with 5,806 customers using it and a rating of 4.4/5, indicating its effectiveness and customer satisfaction. It’s been reported to help prevent lost sales and increase customer loyalty, making it a valuable tool for WooCommerce store owners.

By allowing customers to subscribe to waiting lists for out-of-stock items and automating the alert process, you can keep customers engaged, recover potentially lost sales, and build a valuable list of potential clients for future marketing efforts.

Versión actual 3.8.0
Última actualización July 31, 2024
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 5/5
Versión actual 3.8.0
Última actualización July 31, 2024
Ver producto original y demostración Ver producto original y demostraciónVer producto original y demostración

100% Original - Todas las funciones Premium incluidas.

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