WPFroms – User Journey

Wpfroms – user journey

WPFroms – User Journey

The WPForms User Journey addon offers a comprehensive view of the steps your visitors take before submitting your forms. By tracking the user’s path through your site, you can gain valuable insights into what content drives form conversions. This detailed user journey information is available right in your WordPress dashboard.

Características principales:

  1. Step-by-Step User Path Tracking:
    • View a timeline of the user’s journey, including the URL that referred them, their search queries, pages and posts visited, and UTM parameters from marketing campaigns.
  2. Detailed Reports for Smarter Decisions:
    • Access detailed reports of the entire user journey from the first click to form submission, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.
  3. Automatic User Action Tracking:
    • Automatically track user actions, including the source URL, visited pages and posts, time spent on each page, and search queries on your site.
  4. Integration with WPForms Features:
    • Connect with over 6000 apps using the WPForms Zapier addon.
    • Ensure forms are responsive and mobile-friendly for seamless use on any device.
    • Automate confirmation emails for successful form submissions.
    • Display custom confirmation messages.
    • Choose from 1,800+ pre-designed form templates.
    • Fully customize form appearance with the powerful form builder.
    • Filter through form entries and customize data views with advanced column options.
    • Save and back up form entries to Google Sheets with the Google Sheets addon.


  • Enhanced User Insights:
    • Gain a deeper understanding of your visitors’ behavior and interactions before form submission, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing strategies.
  • Improved Conversion Rates:
    • Identify which content and pages are driving the most valuable conversions and optimize your site accordingly to boost conversion rates.
  • Efficient Data Management:
    • Easily track, filter, and manage user data directly from your WordPress dashboard without the need for complex third-party tools.
  • Seamless Form Integration:
    • Utilize WPForms’ extensive features and addons to create, customize, and manage forms that are fully integrated with your site’s user journey data.

Why Choose WPForms User Journey? The WPForms User Journey addon is an essential tool for anyone looking to optimize their website’s form conversions. By providing detailed insights into the user journey, it enables you to make informed decisions that can enhance user experience and increase conversions. Combined with WPForms’ powerful form building and customization features, the User Journey addon ensures you have all the tools you need to track, analyze, and improve your site’s performance.

Versión actual 1.2.0
Última actualización July 19, 2024
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Versión actual 1.2.0
Última actualización July 19, 2024
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