WP Visitors Tracker

Wp visitors tracker

WP Visitors Tracker

WP Visitors Tracker is a powerful tool designed to track and visualize the activities of visitors on your WordPress website or online store. With this plugin, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior, understand their journey through your site, and optimize your content and user experience accordingly.

Características principales:

  1. Visitor Session Playback: This plugin records the main actions of your website visitors and allows you to replay their visits directly from the admin interface. By visualizing their actions step-by-step, you can gain a better understanding of user behavior.
  2. Interactive Visit Playback: Experience the visitor’s journey interactively by navigating through the steps of a recorded visit. This feature enables you to pause, rewind, or fast-forward through the recorded session.
  3. Screen Resolution Replication: WP Visitors Tracker captures and reproduces the screen resolution (e.g., mobile, monitor) of visitors during their sessions. This helps you understand how visitors view your site across different devices.
  4. Visitor Information: The plugin provides detailed information about each visit, including date, duration, user (if logged in), country, IP address, and browser used. This data is crucial for analyzing visitor demographics and behavior patterns.
  5. Automatic Visit Deletion: You have the option to set automatic deletion of old visits to manage data storage efficiently and maintain performance.
  6. Identifying Connected Users: WP Visitors Tracker can identify and track connected users, providing insights into logged-in user behavior and interactions.
  7. Geo-location Data: View the countries and cities of your visitors, allowing you to tailor your content or marketing strategies based on geographic location.

Optimizing Website Performance:

By leveraging the insights provided by WP Visitors Tracker, you can optimize your website or online store in several ways:

  • Identify popular pages and sections of your site.
  • Understand user navigation patterns and optimize site structure.
  • Improve user experience based on screen resolutions and device preferences.
  • Tailor content and marketing strategies to specific geographic locations.
  • Detect potential issues or obstacles in the user journey and address them proactively.

Reactive Support:

WP Visitors Tracker offers responsive and dedicated support to assist you with any inquiries or technical issues you may encounter while using the plugin.

WP Visitors Tracker empowers you to track, analyze, and visualize user behavior effectively, providing actionable insights to enhance your website’s performance and user experience. By understanding your visitors’ journey, you can make informed decisions to optimize your site and drive engagement and conversions.

Versión actual 2.3
Última actualización May 16, 2024
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Versión actual 2.3
Última actualización May 16, 2024
Ver producto original y demostración Ver producto original y demostración

100% Original - Todas las funciones Premium incluidas.

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