WP Post Modules for NewsPaper and Magazine Layouts (Elementor Addon)

Wp post modules for newspaper and magazine layouts (elementor addon)

WP Post Modules for NewsPaper and Magazine Layouts (Elementor Addon)

WP Post Modules is an advanced Elementor addon designed to help you create versatile post modules for newspaper and magazine-style layouts. With its drag-and-drop UI, intuitive customization settings, and multiple display styles, this plugin offers a comprehensive solution for crafting engaging post sections.

Key Features

  1. Responsive and Retina-Ready Design
    • 100% responsive design optimized for retina displays.
  2. Compatibility
    • Fully compatible with WordPress 6.4.x.
    • RTL (Right-to-Left) language support.
  3. Pre-Built Layouts
    • 12 pre-built homepage layouts included as Elementor JSON template files.
  4. Multiple Display Styles
    • Grid: Four sub-styles with unlimited columns and custom gutters.
    • List: Custom split ratio for thumbnails and content, circular images, multiple column options, and various border styles.
    • Tile: Multiple columns with custom gutters, overlay content options, image zoom, and rotate effects on hover.
    • Ticker: Customizable ticker title length, animation duration, and label text/colors.
    • Bullet List: Plain lists with customizable bullet size, color, and spacing options.
  5. Responsive Controls
    • Advanced typography options with Google Fonts library.
    • Responsive controls for typography, columns, grid sizes, and gutters.
  6. Custom WP Query Builder
    • Show posts from various categories, tags, custom post types, taxonomies, post IDs, author IDs, and more.
    • Support for offset and post exclusion to avoid redundancy.
    • Customizable order and orderby parameters.
  7. jQuery Owl Slider Integration
    • Supported for grid, list, and tile display styles.
    • Customizable number of slides, animation loop, autoplay settings, speed, and navigation.
  8. Image Management
    • Image resize on-the-fly using BFI Thumb with custom width, height, hard crop, quality settings, and grayscale conversion.
  9. Text Content Options
    • Customizable heading tags, font sizes, font weights, and paragraph settings.
    • Auto trimming of post excerpts.
    • Read more links with custom text.
    • Show/hide post meta items and author avatars.
    • Built-in support for WP Review and Post Views Counter plugins.
  10. Social Sharing
    • Social sharing options per post module for platforms like Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, GooglePlus, Pinterest, VK, Reddit, and Email.
  11. Valid Schema Microdata
    • Generated post content includes valid schema microdata with customizable properties.
  12. AJAX Features
    • Next/previous navigation and load more feature for grid, list, and tile display styles.
  13. Browser Compatibility
    • Compatible with all major browsers, including IE 9 and above.
  14. Translation Ready
    • Comes with POT, PO, and MO files for easy translation.
  15. Comprehensive Documentation and Support
    • Step-by-step documentation for installation and usage.
    • Professional support with fast response times.

With WP Post Modules, you can easily create professional, magazine-style post layouts that enhance user engagement and provide a seamless reading experience across all devices.

Versión actual v2.5.0
Última actualización May 20, 2024
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Versión actual v2.5.0
Última actualización May 20, 2024
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