WordPress Auto Spinner – Articles Rewriter

Wordpress auto spinner – articles rewriter

WordPress Auto Spinner – Articles Rewriter

WordPress Auto Spinner – Articles Rewriter

The WordPress Auto Spinner is a WordPress rewriter plugin designed to automatically rewrite WordPress posts by replacing words and phrases with their synonyms. It has a number of key features and capabilities:

1. Automatic Spinning: WordPress Auto Spinner automatically rewrites WordPress posts by replacing words and phrases with their synonyms. It helps in creating fresh and unique content by using synonyms from its built-in database.

2. Post Title and Slug Spinning: The plugin provides the option to spin both the post title and the post slug. This ensures that your post’s title and URL are also unique.

3. Autoblogs Support: If you use an auto-posting plugin like WordPress Automatic, the WordPress Auto Spinner can automatically spin the content, making your auto-generated posts unique without manual intervention.

4. Bulk Spin Support: The plugin allows you to rewrite already posted posts. You can select which posts to spin, and the plugin will queue them for spinning.

5. WooCommerce Support: It supports spinning WooCommerce product descriptions, helping you create unique content for your e-commerce site.

6. Manual User Interface: The plugin offers a user-friendly interface for modifying the rewritten post. You can review the spun article before publishing it and make changes to synonyms with ease.

7. Synonyms Database: You have full control over the synonyms database. You can add, edit, or remove synonym sets via an Ajax interface.

8. Custom Thesaurus Support: In addition to built-in synonyms, you can create your own thesaurus using an Ajax interface.

9. Reserved Words Support: You can specify words that you do not want to be spun.

10. Excluded Categories: Set specific categories to be excluded from automatic spinning.

11. Exclude Title Words: You can choose to spin post content while excluding words that appear in the post title.

12. Spin Manually Written Posts: The plugin offers the option to spin manually written posts.

13. Custom Post Types: It can spin custom post types such as products and listings.

14. Unlimited Rewritten Articles: By default, the plugin uses its local synonyms database, eliminating the need for external spinning services.

15. Queueing and Cron System: WordPress Auto Spinner intelligently manages server resources by queuing eligible posts for spinning and processing them one by one using a dedicated cron job or the built-in WordPress cron job.

16. SpinRewriter Support: The plugin integrates with SpinRewriter API, allowing you to spin all WordPress posts using SpinRewriter, effectively serving as a WordPress SpinRewriter plugin.

17. Multiple APIs Supported: In addition to SpinRewriter, the plugin supports over 10 popular APIs, including WordAi, OpenAI GPT, TheBestSpinner, SpinBot, ChimpRewriter, and more.

18. Action Log: The plugin maintains a detailed action log, recording plugin actions like spinning an article and any errors.

19. MultiSite Support: It is tested to work with network WordPress installations without issues.

Overall, the WordPress Auto Spinner is a versatile plugin that automates the process of rewriting and spinning content, making it unique and fresh. It offers multiple options and settings for users to control the spinning process and create unique content for their WordPress websites.

Versión actual v3.22.0
Última actualización August 15, 2024
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Versión actual v3.22.0
Última actualización August 15, 2024
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