WooCommerce Phone Verification on Checkout and SMS Order Notifications

Woocommerce phone verification on checkout and sms order notifications

WooCommerce Phone Verification on Checkout and SMS Order Notifications

The “WooCommerce Phone Verification on Checkout and SMS Order Notifications by RingCaptcha” is a plugin designed to enhance the checkout process in your WooCommerce store by introducing phone verification and SMS order notifications. Here are some of the key features and benefits of using this plugin:

1. Phone Verification on Checkout:

  • Replaces the default phone field on the WooCommerce checkout page with RingCaptcha’s phone verification widget.
  • Helps ensure that customers provide a legitimate phone number during checkout.
  • Minimizes fraudulent orders and reduces the chances of bots entering random phone numbers.
  • Provides business owners with a real phone number tied to each order.

2. SMS Order Notifications:

  • Sends SMS notifications to both the admin and customers whenever an order is placed.
  • Keeps customers informed about the status of their orders, such as order confirmation, shipping updates, and order completion.
  • Offers a convenient way to send thank you messages to customers.

3. GDPR Compliance:

  • Offers a GDPR-compliant version of the widget to obtain consent from users when required for GDPR compliance.

4. Why Use This Plugin?

  • Ideal for businesses that want to ensure the legitimacy of customers, especially for Cash on Delivery (COD) orders.
  • Helps in reducing fraudulent orders by verifying the authenticity of customer phone numbers.
  • Provides a genuine phone number associated with each order for improved communication.
  • Enables businesses to send SMS order notifications to customers, enhancing customer communication.
  • Allows admin users to receive SMS notifications whenever an order is placed.

5. Pricing:

  • There is a $49 monthly fee associated with this plugin.
  • The monthly commitment is applied to your balance, and you pay per OTP/SMS depending on the country.
  • You can set up an automatic top-up amount when your balance reaches $0.

6. GDPR Compliance:

  • The plugin offers a GDPR-compliant version for businesses that need to comply with GDPR regulations.

In summary, this plugin is beneficial for businesses that want to verify customer phone numbers during the checkout process to ensure order legitimacy and reduce fraud. Additionally, it enhances customer communication by sending SMS order notifications, keeping customers informed about the status of their orders.

Versión actual v2.9
Última actualización November 9, 2022
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 5/5
Versión actual v2.9
Última actualización November 9, 2022
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