WooCommerce PayPal Pro

Woocommerce paypal pro

WooCommerce PayPal Pro

The WooCommerce PayPal Pro plugin offers a seamless integration of PayPal’s gateway within your WooCommerce store, allowing customers to make payments directly with their bank cards. Here are the key points and requirements associated with the plugin:

Requirements & Information:

  • SSL Certification: A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is required for secure transactions.
  • Availability: Specifically available for owners in the UK, US, and Canada through a PayPal Pro provider account.
  • Alternate Availability: Also accessible with a PayPal Pro Payflow account in Australia.
  • Non-Recurring Payments: Does not support recurring or subscription payments.
  • Direct Card Payments: Enables immediate handling of card payments within your store.

Functionality Overview:

  • Gateway for Credit Card Payments: Acts as an entry plugin facilitating credit card payments specifically within your website through PayPal.
  • Seamless Checkout Process: Customers input their card details at any stage of the checkout, and PayPal handles the rest of the transaction, creating a smooth and integrated payment experience.
  • Enhanced Checkout Experience: Eliminates the need for customers to navigate away from your website for completing the payment.

Características principales:

  • Direct Card Processing: Enables secure processing of credit card payments without the need for third-party redirection.
  • Enhanced Security: Ensures the checkout process is secure, especially considering the SSL certification requirement.
  • User Convenience: Simplifies the payment process for customers by keeping them on your website throughout the transaction.


  • Geographical Restrictions: Availability is limited to specific regions (UK, US, Canada) or through alternate accounts in other countries (Australia).
  • Non-Recurring Payments: Not suitable for handling recurring or subscription-based payments.


  • Slick Checkout Experience: Provides a streamlined checkout process by eliminating the need for customers to leave the site, contributing to a user-friendly and efficient payment experience.

Overall, the WooCommerce PayPal Pro plugin allows for direct handling of credit card payments within your WooCommerce store, enhancing security and user convenience by enabling a seamless checkout process without redirecting customers away from your site.

Versión actual v4.5.1
Última actualización July 26, 2024
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 5/5
Versión actual v4.5.1
Última actualización July 26, 2024
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