WooCommerce Customize My Account Pro

Woocommerce customize my account pro

WooCommerce Customize My Account Pro

WooCommerce Customize My Account Pro

WooCommerce Customize My Account Pro is a plugin designed to enhance the customization options for your WooCommerce “My Account” pages. It allows you to make various modifications to these pages, including reordering, hiding, and adding new endpoints, all with the aim of tailoring the user experience to your specific needs. Here are some key features and capabilities of this plugin:

Características principales:

  1. Customizing My Account Pages: You can customize your default My Account pages, reorganize them, hide existing core endpoints, and change the default endpoint. This enables you to present a more tailored and user-friendly My Account section to your customers.
  2. Adding New Endpoints: The plugin permits you to add new endpoints to your My Account pages. You can create endpoint groups and reorder them according to your requirements. This flexibility ensures that you can incorporate additional features, links, or content to enhance the user experience.
  3. Editing Endpoint Keys: You can edit the endpoint keys, making them compatible with third-party plugin endpoints. The plugin can automatically detect third-party endpoints added outside of its functionality and sync them with other endpoints in the plugin.
  4. Elementor Integration: You can create new custom My Account pages using Elementor, a popular page builder plugin. All My Account page templates are included, and you can design custom endpoints with unique styling.
  5. Widget Control: You have control over which widgets should be displayed inside your Elementor widget window. This allows you to design your My Account pages precisely how you want them.
  6. Custom Styling: You can replace the entire My Account page with a custom Elementor template or override endpoint content with Elementor templates. This enables you to apply your unique design and styling to the My Account section.

Additional Features:

  • The plugin offers support for custom links, groups, and custom content endpoints.
  • It provides a user-friendly interface for easily reordering endpoints using drag-and-drop functionality.
  • You can hide core endpoints by unchecking checkboxes, offering more control over what’s displayed.
  • Endpoints can be made visible to specific user roles, ensuring that content is relevant to the user’s role or membership level.
  • The plugin allows you to manage order columns and order actions, hiding default order page columns, adding custom columns to order listings, and reordering order page columns.
  • You can add custom order actions buttons to the action column.
  • It is fully compatible with Elementor Pro and Crocoblock Jetwoobuilder.

Summary: WooCommerce Customize My Account Pro is a feature-rich plugin that empowers you to customize and improve your WooCommerce My Account pages. Whether you want to reorganize the layout, add new functionalities, or style the pages to match your brand, this plugin offers a range of tools and options to achieve your desired results. It’s a valuable addition for store owners looking to enhance the user experience and provide a more personalized account section for their customers.

Versión actual 1.9.3
Última actualización April 24, 2023
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 5/5
Versión actual 1.9.3
Última actualización April 24, 2023
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