Vault – Multi-Purpose Elementor WordPress Theme

Vault – multi-purpose elementor wordpress theme

Vault – Multi-Purpose Elementor WordPress Theme

The Vault WordPress theme by UiCore offers an extensive range of features for creating diverse websites. With its professional and clean design, Vault is a suitable choice for numerous purposes including small business websites, corporate sites, landing pages, blogs, online shops, and more. It’s especially favored by freelancers and comes packed with various tools and functionalities to streamline web development.

Key Features of Vault:

  • Diverse Website Development: Small Business, Corporate, Landing Pages, Blogs, Sales & Marketing Pages, Online Shops.
  • Easy Start: Rich collection of demo templates, block library, and One-Click Demo Import for quick initiation.
  • One-Click Website Installation: Import demo content effortlessly, with automatic plugin installation and error reporting.
  • UiCore Template Library: Access to 500+ pre-designed sections and pages, offering great flexibility in crafting websites.
  • Visual Page Builder: Utilizes Elementor for pixel-perfect design control and instant live editing.
  • Design Customization: Access to 200+ design elements and features for infinite layout possibilities.
  • Custom Fonts & Backgrounds: Integrates Google Fonts, supports custom fonts, and offers multiple background options.
  • Revision History & Auto Save: Provides ease in tracing back steps and quick undo/redo functionalities.
  • Export & Import Between Sites: Effortless transfer of designs through JSON files.
  • Extensive Elementor Elements: Over 200 design elements available in the Elementor page builder.

Theme Options Panel:

Vault incorporates a powerful theme options panel allowing for extensive customization without requiring coding skills. Here are some notable features:

  • Global Colors & Fonts: Effortlessly modify colors and fonts across your website for consistent design.
  • Responsive Controls: Set individual values for desktop, tablet, and mobile.
  • Advanced Backgrounds: Choose solid colors, gradients, or images for diverse background options.
  • Full Typography Options: Control font family, size, style, spacing, and color for comprehensive typography settings.
  • Live Settings Search: Instantly find features within the settings panel.
  • Preset Manager: Save/load settings or import ready-made presets for quick configuration changes.
  • Dark Mode & Theme Style: Offer dark mode viewing and set global design options.

Page Options:

  • Customizable settings per page for various elements like header, footer, layout, etc.
  • Enable/disable elements like Page Title, Breadcrumbs, Top Banner, Footer, Copyright, etc.
  • Custom CSS & JS for specific page modifications.

Global Fonts & Google Fonts:

  • Access to 990+ Google Fonts for versatile typography choices.

News & Blogging Platform:

  • Four base layouts for blogs with complete customization options for grid settings, post info, sidebars, etc.
  • Separate typography settings specifically designed for blogs.

Unique Portfolio:

  • Customizable grid controls, sidebars, and Elementor compatibility for creating and showcasing portfolios.

Full eCommerce Support:

  • Extensive support for WooCommerce with grid controls and quick cart view options.

Visual Form Builder:

  • Create complex online forms with features like newsletter integrations, GDPR consent, Google reCAPTCHA, etc.

One Page Sites:

  • Easily set up one-page navigation across multiple pages for engaging layouts.

Header, Footer, and Mobile Menu Options:

  • Customizable design options for headers, footers, and mobile menus, providing complete control over layouts and styles.

Performance and SEO Optimization:

  • Emphasis on fast loading and adherence to SEO best practices for enhanced performance and visibility.

Vault by UiCore is a robust and versatile WordPress theme, offering extensive design control, customization options, and seamless integration with Elementor for a wide range of website development needs.

Versión actual 2.1.1
Última actualización September 16, 2024
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Versión actual 2.1.1
Última actualización September 16, 2024
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