Uncanny Learndash Groups

Uncanny learndash groups

Uncanny Learndash Groups

Uncanny LearnDash Groups makes it easy for your guests and member associations to manage their learners in the frontal endtrack their progress with important reports, and buy courses and course licenses. It means lower outflow for you and further control for the associations you support. Group Leaders can add druggiesremove druggiesadd coursesadd licensessee course results, drill down to quiz answers, and more. All without touching the WordPress back end or asking you for help. It’s perfect for B2B course deals with LearnDash. Organizations can produce their own course packets that fit their requirements. As those requirements evolve, they can add further courses and druggies – entirely on their own.( The plugin works great without ecommerce too, and is a great fit for seminaries andnon-profits with frontal end group operation and reporting.) Watch the 5- nanosecond overview

Group operation does n’t come readily.
stillseminaries, and other groups, If you vend LearnDash courses to associations. LearnDash sólo supports individual deals, and other results produce rigid groups that do n’t allow adding further druggies or courses. There’s no frontal end group operation or reporting. And through all of this, your platoon is bombarded with questions to keep effects running. It takes time and is frequently confusing.

ways our Groups plugin helps your business
Buyers can make their own groups by choosing their own courses and adding as numerous seats as they want. You do n’t need to make a perfect pack for everyone or coordinate deals.
Associations can manage their own groupsAdd courses and seatsInvite and remove druggies. No admin oversight needed.
Groups get their reporting in the frontal end. No more anxiety acerca de transferring your Group Leaders to/ wp- admin/ to get group reports.
workshop without eCommerce. Just produce the groupgroup leader and course assignments with our easy– to- use wizard and your group is each setGreat for homemade bulk purchases that are too precious for credit cards!
Simple group registration. Organizations can add druggiesinvite druggies, upload druggies, and indeed distribute redemption keys. It’s easy for group reps to add 1 or 1,000 druggies all at formerly.
Easy bulk abatementserected in, no other plugins neededSet up thresholds to reduction large volume purchases. When groups add seats latterly, they still get the bulk reduction!
Simple stoner enrollment . When druggies are invited to a group they register with a simple form and are in, with immediate access to their group and courses.
Customize course content for groups. With a simple shortcode you can show different content to your learners depending on what group they ’re in. It’s far easier than creating unique courses for each group if you need to rebrand content!

Versión actual 6.0.4
Última actualización May 14, 2024
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Versión actual 6.0.4
Última actualización May 14, 2024
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