Thrive Themes Clever Widgets

Thrive themes clever widgets

Thrive Themes Clever Widgets

Thrive Clever Widgets is a WordPress plugin that enhances the user experience and helps improve conversion rates by allowing you to display highly relevant content in your website’s widget areas. Here’s how it works and the benefits it provides:


  • Many websites display the same content in widget areas across the site, regardless of the specific page or post the visitor is viewing.
  • This one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t consider the different reasons people visit different parts of your website.
  • Generic content is shown, which may not be particularly relevant to most visitors, leading to high bounce rates and low engagement.


  • Thrive Clever Widgets lets you display highly relevant content in widget areas based on the specific page or post your visitor is viewing.
  • You can show content that matches what your visitors are looking for, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.
  • The plugin takes into account the fact that visitors reveal their interests by the pages and posts they view, and it allows you to target widget content accordingly.

Características principales:

  • Integration with default WordPress widgets: Thrive Clever Widgets seamlessly integrates with the standard WordPress widgets.
  • Targeting options: You can determine precisely where your widgets should be displayed based on categories, tags, post types, and even specific pages using include and exclude rules.
  • No impact on website speed: The plugin is designed for speed, and it loads only the widgets that need to be displayed on a given page. This ensures that your site’s speed and performance remain unaffected.

Thrive Clever Widgets is a valuable tool for website owners and marketers who want to tailor their content to their visitors’ interests, ultimately improving engagement and conversion rates. It’s part of the suite of products from Thrive Themes, which focuses on optimizing websites for both user experience and performance.

Versión actual 2.9.1
Última actualización August 27, 2022
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 5/5
Versión actual 2.9.1
Última actualización August 27, 2022
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