REHub – Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store

Rehub – price comparison, affiliate marketing, multi vendor store

REHub – Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store

REHub is a modern and versatile hybrid WordPress theme offering a comprehensive combination of various online money-making strategies. This theme covers an array of contemporary business models for online websites, allowing you to configure and use each part separately or combine them into a single site.

With a development history of over 8 years, REHub stands as one of the most feature-rich and complete themes available. The theme integrates unique SEO tools and modern WordPress functions, setting it apart from other themes on the market. REHub’s business models include:

  1. Affiliate Niche Blogs
  2. Social Community with Submit Option
  3. Listings, Versus Comparison, and Specification Builders
  4. Price or Product Comparison Theme with Dynamic Price Updates
  5. Product and Specification Comparisons
  6. Reviews with Extended User Reviews and Table Constructors
  7. Multi Vendor Shops and E-commerce
  8. Deal Sites and Communities
  9. Magazines and Review Sites
  10. Digital Product Marketplaces
  11. Game Deals
  12. Tutorials and Learning Course Sites
  13. Wholesale and Grocery Shops

Unique Features:

Smart Code AI:

  • SmartCode Plugin generates tailored code snippets using AI, simplifying website enhancement without delving into coding complexities.

Bonus Plugins (Value over $700):

  • WP Bakery Page Builder
  • Revolution Slider
  • Advanced Product Filter Plugin
  • Import WP PRO
  • RH Frontend PRO
  • RH Link PRO
  • RH Woo Tools
  • RH Brand Logo
  • RH Gif
  • RH Chart PRO
  • RH Fake Activity
  • Greenshift Animation Addon
  • Layered Popup Plugin
  • WooCommerce Sale Notification
  • Smart Code AI from Greenshift

Affiliate WordPress Theme Functions:

  • Intuitive and advanced functions for affiliate websites, offering top list builders, dynamic comparisons, and special post templates.

WooCommerce Shop Options:

  • Product swatches, advanced filters, wholesale options, and unique shop variants for optimal product showcasing.

Multi Vendor Marketplace for WordPress Theme:

  • Seamless integration with multi-vendor plugins like WCFM, Dokan, WC Vendor, MultivendorX, providing specialized store profiles and comparison tools.

Better Conversion Rate Tools:

  • Top of something pages, versus pages, attribute comparison bars, price range pages, top-rated offers, and custom tables for better user engagement and conversion.

Advanced Mobile WordPress Theme Support:

  • Responsive and optimized design elements for mobile devices, ensuring a great user experience.

Directory Theme Options:

  • Enhanced directory theme functionalities with advanced integrations for Geo My WordPress plugin.

Community Theme Functions:

  • Buddypress, MyCred, and membership plugin integration for community-building functions.

Learning Courses Functions:

  • Support for learning courses, enabling the creation of learning sites with affiliate courses or self-built courses using Tutor LMS plugin.

AR for WooCommerce:

  • Addition of 3D/AR options for WooCommerce products and pages, offering a unique experience.

Unique WOW Animation Framework:

  • Implement impressive animations to add a ‘wow’ factor to your site’s design.

REHub stands out as a multifunctional WordPress theme with extensive capabilities across various online business models and strategies, making it a preferred choice for passive income sites and comprehensive online ventures.

Versión actual v19.7.4
Última actualización September 12, 2024
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Versión actual v19.7.4
Última actualización September 12, 2024
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