Product Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro

Product variation swatches for woocommerce pro

Product Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro

Product Variation Swatches for WooCommerce Pro

The “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce” plugin by ThemeHigh is designed to help you style your WooCommerce store’s product variation options in a visually appealing way. This plugin enhances your store’s user experience by allowing you to customize product variation styles and add custom swatch designs. Here are some of the key features of this plugin:

1. Available Swatch Types:

  • Label Swatches
  • Image Swatches
  • Color Swatches
  • Radio Swatches
  • Image with Label Swatches

These swatch types provide flexibility in how you display product variations on your online store. You can use labels, images, colors, radio buttons, or combinations to present your product variations.

2. Out of Stock Label:

  • Display an “Out of Stock” warning text to inform customers when a product variation is not available.

3. Stock Left Alert:

  • The stock left alert feature informs your customers about the remaining stock of a particular product variation. This helps create a sense of urgency and encourages prompt purchase decisions.

4. Bicolor Swatches:

  • For products with multiple colors or attributes, you can display dual colors in a single swatch, providing customers with a clear visual representation of available choices.

5. Tooltip Styling:

  • Customize the tooltip appearance by choosing an appropriate color, text size, and background color. Tooltips can provide additional information about product variations when customers hover over the swatches.

6. Multiple Swatch Designs:

  • You can create multiple swatch designs for a single website. This feature allows you to tailor the appearance of your product variations to match different product categories or themes.

7. Search Tool:

  • Use the search feature to save time when looking for specific attributes or swatch designs. This is particularly useful if you have a large number of attributes and variations to manage.

By using the Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin, you can enhance your online store’s appearance, make it more user-friendly, and potentially attract more customers by providing an interactive and visually appealing way to select product variations.

Please note that while this information highlights some of the key features of the plugin, it’s important to visit the official ThemeHigh website or the WordPress plugin repository for the most up-to-date details and any additional features or updates that may have been added since my last knowledge update in September 2021.

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Última actualización July 30, 2024
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 5/5
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Última actualización July 30, 2024
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