Portfolio Manager Pro – WordPress Responsive Portfolio & Gallery

Portfolio manager pro – wordpress responsive portfolio & gallery

Portfolio Manager Pro – WordPress Responsive Portfolio & Gallery

Portfolio Manager Pro – WordPress Responsive Portfolio & Gallery

The “Ultimate WordPress Portfolio Solution” is an all-in-one plugin designed to cater to the diverse needs of various users, from agencies and designers to site owners and coders. This plugin offers a comprehensive solution for creating and managing portfolios within your WordPress website. Here are some key features and benefits of this portfolio plugin:

Universal Applicability: This portfolio solution is suitable for a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced developers. It works seamlessly on any WordPress theme, providing versatility.

Support and Updates: When you use this plugin, you not only get a feature-rich code but also regular updates, continuous improvements, comprehensive documentation, training videos, and dedicated support. The support team is available around the clock to assist you with any queries or issues.

Single Portfolio Items: Portfolio items are organized within a custom post type, with options for categories, tags, and unlimited item details. You can customize single portfolio items using ready-made templates or create your own using the drag-and-drop Template Builder.

Portfolio Lists: The plugin offers over 35 ready-to-use list templates for your portfolio. You can easily select the list content, modify layouts, and style your list to meet your specific requirements. Advanced options for portfolio items selection, content re-arranging, list titles, lightboxes, and more are available.

Page Builder: A built-in page builder allows you to create advanced layouts that include different templates on a single page. You can customize the background color, images, patterns, videos, and content layout. The page builder is intuitive and user-friendly.

Features and Templates: The plugin provides 40+ templates for portfolio lists, single portfolio items, and the page builder. It offers custom post types, organized categories and tags, and advanced selection, ordering, and limiting of portfolio items. You can also drag and drop content elements to rearrange your items.

Media Types: You can include various media types in your portfolios, such as images, sliders, YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud. The plugin offers advanced media management, including cropping features and image format options.

Hover Effects: Choose from 20 hover effects to enhance the visual appeal of your portfolio items.

Shortcodes and Widgets: Easily place portfolio lists anywhere on your site using shortcodes, widgets, or the page builder.

Lightboxes: Lightboxes are available for both portfolio lists and single portfolio items, providing an attractive way to showcase your work.

Styling Options: The plugin offers a range of styling options to customize the appearance of your portfolio items. You can also add custom CSS for more advanced styling.

Translation/Localization: The plugin follows WordPress I18n standards, making it translation-ready. It comes with .po and .mo files, allowing you to localize it for different languages.

In summary, the “Ultimate WordPress Portfolio Solution” is a feature-rich plugin that simplifies the creation and management of portfolios on your WordPress site. Whether you need to showcase your work, create a stunning portfolio, or display your projects, this plugin offers a comprehensive set of tools and features to meet your needs.

Versión actual 3.7
Última actualización November 28, 2022
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Versión actual 3.7
Última actualización November 28, 2022
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