Popup Builder Video Extension

Popup builder video extension

Popup Builder Video Extension

Popup Builder Video Extension

The “Popup Builder Video Extension” is a tool that enhances your website’s popups with video content, providing you with a powerful way to engage users with video marketing campaigns. Here are some of the key features and capabilities of this extension:

1. Video Sources:

  • You can add video popups from popular video streaming services such as YouTube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion. This means you can easily incorporate videos hosted on these platforms into your popups.

2. Custom Video Upload:

  • In addition to streaming services, you have the option to upload your own custom videos in formats like Mp4, OGV/OGG, WebM, and MOV. This allows you to use your own video content in popups.

3. Custom Video Player:

  • If your video is not from one of the supported streaming services, the extension provides a custom video player with a modern design and powerful options that can be used within the popup. This ensures that you can effectively display your video content regardless of the source.

4. Popup Customization:

  • The extension allows you to set up various options to customize the appearance and functionality of the video popup. This includes options to control the size, layout, styling, and other visual elements of the popup.

5. Event Triggers:

  • You can choose specific events that trigger the appearance of the video popup. This is important for ensuring that the popup is displayed in a way that is user-friendly and increases conversion rates. Common triggers may include actions like clicking a button, scrolling down the page, or when the user attempts to exit the website.

6. Marketing Campaigns:

  • Video popups are an effective way to run marketing campaigns that grab users’ attention and convey your message using video content. Videos can be highly engaging and can be used for various marketing purposes, such as promoting products, sharing tutorials, or telling a brand story.

By incorporating video popups into your website, you can create visually appealing and interactive marketing campaigns that have the potential to increase user engagement and conversions. This extension offers flexibility in terms of video sources and customization options, making it a valuable tool for businesses and website owners looking to leverage video content effectively.

Versión actual 2.2
Última actualización May 17, 2022
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Versión actual 2.2
Última actualización May 17, 2022
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