Ninja Tables Pro Plugin

Ninja tables pro plugin

Ninja Tables Pro Plugin

Ninja Tables Pro is the #1 WordPress table builder plugin with a user-friendly layout, easy to use settings, and enticing front-end. Build a table right from the comfort without having any coding experience. Do whatever you want – create, edit, maintain and customize. Ninja Tables is the ultimate solution for making tables for any purpose.

Premium Features

Ninja Tables Pro comes with a big bucket of elegant, intuitive, advanced, and enthralling features. With more integration options, cutting-edge functionalities, and next-level configurations- you can unleash the untouched potentials of your business.

Add Media to Tables Cells

Add Images and other multimedia contents to your tables with Ninja Tables Pro and make your tables more effective than ever!

Unlimited Colors in Your Tables

Don’t get stuck with the boring white. Color your tables according to your requirements with Ninja Tables Pro plugin.

Connect Google Sheets

If you have already stored your information on Google Sheets, you can publish it effortlessly with Ninja Tables Pro.

Drag and Drop Data Sorting

With Ninja Tables Pro, you don’t have to code every single task. Just drag and drop table data and arrange them intuitively.

Export-Import CSV

Where your tables are now or where you want to export one- Ninja Tables allows you to export and import tables in seconds.

Advanced Customization Features

The advanced setting enables you with a myriad of under-the-hood functionalities to make your table more powerful.

WooCommerce Integration

Got a WooCommerce store? Connect it and turn it into a Product showcase table easily with Ninja Tables Pro.

Advanced Date Sorting

Sort your table data according to date added or the dates assigned to them in table columns.

WP Posts

Display website contents in a searchable, sortable with Ninja Tables. It supports custom posts, pages, & custom post types.

Add CSS Class

Don’t just rely on the default stylings. Style your tables with additional CSS classes and make them more beautiful!

Conditional Column Formatting

Set conditions to your tables and highlight specific columns/rows/cells according to previously set logics.

Transform Value

Value Transformation is a powerful tool that concat any column values easily into valid HTML and show as computed value.

Custom Filter UI

With this feature, users can search within a particular option. First, they will filter then they do what’s needed.

Advanced Data Filtering

Custom Search Filters is useful if you want to add a Checkbox/Radio Button to show a group of rows of your table.

Connect WP Fluent Form

If you’re already using WP Fluent Form, now is the time to connect it with Ninja Tables and beautifully organize your form entries.

Set Max Width for Columns

The columns have a default width and they expand based on your input. Control the columns by setting the max width.

Text Alignment

How do you want to see the text? Center, right or left? Using this feature, you can place the text on your desired position.

Colspan/Cell Merging Feature

You can easily merge cells in tables built with NinjaTables. This is a great feature which have a significant appeal.

Use Shortcode in your table cell

Shortcodes give you extra benefit so that you can use the same shortcode in different places to see the same result.

Versión actual v5.08
Última actualización May 17, 2024
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Versión actual v5.08
Última actualización May 17, 2024
Ver producto original y demostración Ver producto original y demostración

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