Link Whisper Pro – Quickly Build Smart Internal Links Both To and From Your Content

Link whisper pro – quickly build smart internal links both to and from your content

Link Whisper Pro – Quickly Build Smart Internal Links Both To and From Your Content

Link Whisper Pro

Link Whisper Pro is a WordPress plugin that helps you efficiently build smart internal links within your content. Here are some key features and benefits of Link Whisper Pro:

1. Automatic Link Suggestions:

  • Link Whisper uses artificial intelligence to suggest relevant internal links as you write your articles within the WordPress editor. This feature saves you time and helps you create better-structured content.

2. Quick Internal Link Building:

  • You can quickly find and build internal links to old posts that may lack internal links, also known as “orphan” content. Link Whisper helps you identify these pages and easily add new internal links to them.

3. Auto-Linking Feature:

  • Link Whisper’s “Auto-Linking” feature allows you to input specific keywords and specify the URL to which those keywords should link. This feature automates the process of creating internal links based on your chosen keywords.

4. Internal Links Reporting:

  • Link Whisper provides in-depth link reporting, allowing you to gain insights into your site’s structure. You can see the number of outbound internal and external links from each article, broken links, errors, and posts that could benefit from additional internal links.

5. Fix Broken Links:

  • Easily identify and address broken internal and external links on your site. Link Whisper makes it simple to edit or remove broken links within the plugin.

6. Target SEO Keywords:

  • You can add your target SEO keywords, and Link Whisper will suggest the most relevant internal links for your articles. If you’re already using SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank Math, or All in One SEO, Link Whisper can automatically pull in your target keywords.

7. Google Search Console Integration:

  • Link Whisper offers an optional feature that allows you to connect and retrieve traffic data from Google Search Console. This data helps you monitor organic traffic, average position, and keywords that are driving results for your articles, enabling you to adjust your internal linking strategy for better performance.

8. Cross-Site Linking:

  • If you own multiple websites that use Link Whisper, you can connect them to receive link suggestions between your sites. This feature is particularly useful if you have multiple sites in a similar niche, allowing you to optimize internal linking across your online properties.

Link Whisper Pro streamlines the process of creating internal links, improving your site’s SEO and user experience. It’s a valuable tool for WordPress users who want to enhance their content’s structure and rankings.

Versión actual v2.4.4
Última actualización May 9, 2024
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Versión actual v2.4.4
Última actualización May 9, 2024
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