Gravity Perks Copy Cat AddOn

Gravity perks copy cat addon

Gravity Perks Copy Cat AddOn

The “Gravity Perks Copy Cat AddOn” for Gravity Forms simplifies the process of copying values between fields within your forms. Here’s what it offers:

  1. Field-to-Field Value Copying: Facilitates copying values from one field to another within the same form, reducing user effort and input redundancy.
  2. Automatic or Manual Copying: Allows for the automatic copying of values as users type or when they interact with a specified Checkbox in the form.
  3. Multiple Field Copying: Supports copying input values from a single source to multiple destination fields or from multiple sources to multiple fields.
  4. Target Specific Inputs in Multi-Input Fields: Enables the selection of specific inputs within multi-input fields for copying. For instance, copying only the “First Name” in a “Name” field or the “Quantity” in a “Product” field.
  5. Conditional Copying: Offers the ability to copy values based on conditional rules, ensuring that copying occurs only if certain conditions are met, like the presence or selection of another field value.
  6. Compatibility with Gravity Forms Fields: Supports most Gravity Forms fields, allowing values to be copied to and from almost any field type within the form.
  7. Automatic Updates: Provides automatic updates to ensure the addon stays current with the latest features and enhancements.
  8. Dedicated Support: Offers comprehensive support, assisting users with queries and troubleshooting to optimize their usage of the addon.

The plugin simplifies data entry and form interaction for users by copying input values across different fields in a Gravity Form, saving time and effort. It offers flexibility in copying options, catering to various user scenarios, from automatic copying while typing to conditional copying based on specific interactions within the form.

Versión actual 1.4.83
Última actualización September 6, 2024
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 5/5
Versión actual 1.4.83
Última actualización September 6, 2024
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