Filter Everything WordPress WooCommerce Product Filter

Filter everything – wordpress woocommerce product filter

Filter Everything WordPress WooCommerce Product Filter

Filter Everything PRO is a comprehensive WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter plugin designed to provide powerful and flexible faceted filtering systems for your website. Here are some of the key features and capabilities of this plugin:

Main Features:

  1. Filter Anything: This plugin allows you to filter by any possible criteria, making it highly versatile for various applications.
  2. Filter Any Post Types: Whether you’re dealing with products, posts, cars, houses, recipes, or any other post types, Filter Everything PRO supports filtering for all.
  3. Support for Filter Views: It offers various filter views such as checkboxes, radio buttons, labels lists, dropdowns, and ranges to cater to different user preferences.
  4. Mobile-Friendly: The plugin is designed to work seamlessly on mobile devices, ensuring a consistent user experience.
  5. AJAX Support: It works quickly and supports AJAX for smooth filtering without the need for page reloading.
  6. Compatibility: Filter Everything PRO is compatible with popular WordPress themes and plugins, including ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) and WPML.
  7. Integration with Page Builders: It’s tested and compatible with various page builders, including Elementor, Divi, Themify, WP Bakery Composer, Oxygen, and Beaver Builder.
  8. Clean and SEO-Friendly URLs: The plugin generates clean and search engine-friendly URLs, allowing your filtering result pages to be indexed by search engines.
  9. Customizable Filters: You can set up filters for any WordPress parameters, including price, ratings, categories, tags, attributes, product status, and more.
  10. Dynamic Filter Order in URLs: You have the flexibility to change the order of filter parameters in URLs, offering a more user-friendly experience.
  11. Filter Pages Indexable by Search Engines: Filtered pages are available for indexing by search engines, potentially driving more organic traffic to your site.
  12. Individual SEO Titles and Meta Descriptions: You can set unique SEO titles and meta descriptions for filtering pages to improve SEO.
  13. Flexible Layout Options: The plugin allows you to choose between horizontal and vertical layouts and supports color swatches and brand logos for visual filtering.
  14. Advanced Sorting Options: You can create a custom sorting dropdown with unlimited options.
  15. Integration with Popular Plugins: Filter Everything PRO is tested and compatible with various popular plugins, including page builders, SEO plugins, multi-currency plugins, and more.

The plugin offers extensive options for customization and advanced filtering, making it a versatile choice for creating sophisticated product filtering systems in WordPress and WooCommerce.

Versión actual v1.8.6
Última actualización July 30, 2024
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Versión actual v1.8.6
Última actualización July 30, 2024
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