EventON – WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin

Eventon - wordpress virtual event calendar plugin

EventON – WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin

EventON is a sophisticated WordPress event calendar plugin, designed to offer a sleek and modern interface for displaying events. It is packed with over 200 features, making it the top-selling event calendar on Codecanyon. The plugin supports extensive customization, allowing users to create unlimited events with diverse layouts, locations, and organizers.


  • Event Flexibility: Create single or multi-day events, all-day events, and events without end times. Duplicate events and exclude certain events from the calendar as needed.
  • Location Management: Set event locations using latitude and longitude, add location images, and save locations for future use.
  • Organizer Details: Include organizer contact information, save organizers for reuse, and display organizer details via a lightbox.
  • User Interaction: Offer multiple ways for users to interact with events, including options for universal time/date formats, schema SEO content, and custom CSS styles.
  • Customization: Customize the calendar’s appearance, including month/year formats, date/time formats, and event card behaviors. Feature specific events and display events in various orders.
  • Dynamic Features: Use AJAX-driven navigation for smooth month-to-month transitions, integrate Google Maps with interactive features, and utilize dynamic “load more” pagination.
  • Payment Integration: Accept payments via PayPal for events, with the ability to set individual email addresses for each event.
  • Language Support: Customize language text and utilize the included POT file for further translations.
  • Advanced Functionality: Implement virtual event locations, manage event attendance modes (online or physical), and update event statuses via quick and bulk edit functions.
  • Modern Compatibility: Compatible with Gutenberg, including a shortcode generator, and integrated with Zoom for meeting setups.
  • Mobile Optimization: Provide mobile-specific user interactions and support for right-to-left text (RTL).
  • Event Filtering and Sorting: Use advanced filtering options for virtual events, sorting and filtering within the search box, and create calendars with only certain event categories.


  • Font Awesome
  • Google Maps API
  • Google Fonts API
  • moment.js
  • Elementor Widget
  • Gutenberg Block with EventON Shortcode Generator
  • WooCommerce
  • Zoom API
  • PayPal Basic
  • handlebars.js

EventON stands out with its seamless blend of aesthetic appeal and robust functionality, making it an indispensable tool for managing events on WordPress.

Versión actual 4.6.6
Última actualización June 25, 2024
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Versión actual 4.6.6
Última actualización June 25, 2024
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