Divi Ajax Search

Divi ajax search

Divi Ajax Search

The Divi Ajax Search plugin offers a seamless search experience with three unique layouts, allowing you to display search results in grids and cards. Layouts 2 and 3 provide options to display search information like title and excerpt over and below the cards with transparency and no transparency of the featured image, creating a clear and engaging view.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Search Results: Display users’ search results directly in the search field as they type, offering a dynamic and interactive search experience.
  • Configurable Search Areas: Choose where the search queries are performed, whether it’s the title of a product, the content of a post, or multiple search areas and post types. Customize it to show results from different content types and areas.
  • Customizable Display Options: Decide what to display in the search results, such as Title, Excerpt, Featured Image, and Product Price. You can also show/hide the search icon in the Ajax Search bar.
  • Versatile Search Result Combinations: Showcase search results with various combinations like title only, excerpt only, title with excerpt, featured image only, or a mix of title, excerpt, and featured image.
  • WooCommerce Integration: Seamlessly integrate WooCommerce product search. Display search results for products, including SKUs or attributes, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for.
  • Clear Search Cross Icon: Enable a cross icon next to the search icon in the search field, allowing users to clear the search results easily if they don’t find what they’re looking for.
  • Pagination and Excerpt Limit Control: Enhance the user experience with pagination, previous and next links with custom text support, and control over the amount of information displayed in excerpts.
  • Multiple Columns and Masonry Layout: Display search results in multiple columns or a masonry layout for a spacious and engaging presentation.
  • ‘See All Results’ Link: Add a ‘See All Results’ text linked to the all search results page, allowing users to explore more comprehensive search results on a dedicated page.
  • Extended Styling Options: Customize the appearance of search results with additional styling options like padding, borders, and background color to create a visually appealing interface.

Why Use Divi Ajax Search?

  • Live Search for Various Content Types: Supports live search for posts, pages, custom post types, WooCommerce products, categories, tags, SKUs, and attributes.
  • Customizable and Easy to Use: Easy customization options make it simple to tailor the search functionality to your needs.
  • Divi Page Builder Friendly: Fully compatible with the Divi page builder, ensuring seamless integration and customization.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Provides quicker, smarter, and more efficient search functionality, improving the overall user experience on your website.

Get the Divi Ajax Search plugin today and let your website visitors enjoy a fast, easy, and enhanced search experience. Enhance your website’s functionality, performance, and user interface with Divi Ajax Search. Don’t wait—get the plugin now!

Versión actual v1.1.3
Última actualización June 5, 2024
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Versión actual v1.1.3
Última actualización June 5, 2024
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