BWD Private Content Locker For Elementor

Bwd private content locker for elementor

BWD Private Content Locker For Elementor

BWD Private Content Locker For Elementor

BWD Private Content Locker Addon for Elementor is a plugin that empowers website owners and creators to protect, restrict, and deliver exclusive content with ease. Seamlessly integrated with Elementor, this addon offers a range of features to control access to your content, customize the protection settings, and unlock the potential for creating membership sites. Whether you want to safeguard videos, articles, downloads, or other types of content, this addon can help you achieve your goals while providing valuable analytics insights. Here are some of its main features:

Protection Types:

  • The addon provides two types of protection methods, allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs best.

Save Template Import:

  • You can easily save your template designs and import them as needed, making it convenient to reuse content protection settings.

Advanced Options:

  • The addon offers advanced options for more control over how you protect and deliver content, ensuring it fits your specific requirements.


  • No coding is required to use this addon, making it accessible for a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced developers.

Responsive and SEO-Friendly:

  • The content you protect remains responsive to different screen sizes, and it’s optimized for search engines, helping your content rank well.

Elementor Compatibility:

  • BWD Private Content Locker works seamlessly with Elementor 2.5 and higher, ensuring it’s in line with the latest version of the page builder.

Clean and Optimized Code:

  • The addon is built with clean and optimized code to ensure it performs well and doesn’t slow down your website.


  • It includes a pot file for quick translation into any language, allowing you to create content protection that suits your audience.

Theme Compatibility:

  • It works well with all WordPress themes built on Elementor, offering flexibility in design and style.

Browser Compatibility:

  • The addon is compatible with various web browsers, ensuring your content protection functions consistently for all users.

W3C Validation:

  • The coding is W3C validated, indicating that it adheres to industry standards for web development.


  • The addon comes with documentation to help you set it up and make the most of its features.

Latest WordPress Version:

  • BWD Private Content Locker is compatible with the latest version of WordPress, ensuring it keeps up with platform updates and security enhancements.

In summary, BWD Private Content Locker Addon for Elementor is a valuable tool for website owners who want to protect and restrict access to specific content. Whether you’re running a membership site or simply want to provide exclusive content to your audience, this addon offers flexibility, compatibility with Elementor, and a user-friendly experience for both content creators and website visitors.

Versión actual 1.0
Última actualización August 25, 2023
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 5/5
Versión actual 1.0
Última actualización August 25, 2023
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