BlogSite Pro

Blogsite pro

BlogSite Pro

BlogSite Pro is a modern and clean WordPress theme designed for content-based blogs and websites. It offers an elegant showcase for your content, making it ideal for personal bloggers and content creators. This theme comes with multiple integrated Ad positions, allowing you to easily place Ads or Adsense code in various locations, such as below the featured content slider, within the posts list, sidebar, before/after post content, and more.

Características principales:

  1. Theme Options Panel: Easily customize and configure your website settings using the theme options panel.
  2. Responsive Design: Ensures that your website looks and functions well on various devices and screen sizes, including mobile and tablets.
  3. Skin Colors: Choose from a selection of skin colors or create your own custom color schemes. You can also have unlimited options for color customization.
  4. Site Fonts: Access over 1,000 Google Fonts to choose the perfect typography for your website.
  5. Header Search on Mobile: Offers a convenient mobile search feature in the header.
  6. Footer Text / Copyright Editor: Customize the footer text and copyright information to make it unique to your website.
  7. Custom Code Editor: Easily add custom code to your website for advanced customization.
  8. Theme Options Import / Export: Save time by importing/exporting theme options settings between different websites.
  9. Ad Position Management: Integrate ads and AdSense code in multiple locations on your website, allowing for monetization.
  10. Archive (Post List) Options: Customize the appearance and layout of your post list archive pages.
  11. Single Post Options: Tailor the design and layout of individual post pages.
  12. Post Excerpt Length Option: Control the length of post excerpts to suit your content presentation.
  13. Post Thumbnail Width Option: Adjust the width of post thumbnails for consistent visual appeal.
  14. Social Share Icons for Posts: Enable social sharing icons on your posts to encourage content sharing.
  15. Automatic Updates: Keep your theme up to date with automatic updates for the latest features and security improvements.
  16. One Click Demo Import: Easily import demo content to kickstart your website development.
  17. Professional Support: Receive assistance and support from the theme developer to address any issues or questions you may have.

BlogSite Pro is a feature-rich theme that allows you to create a visually appealing and highly customizable blog or content-based website. It offers flexibility in design and layout, making it suitable for a wide range of content creators and bloggers.

Versión actual 1.1.1
Última actualización August 4, 2023
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Versión actual 1.1.1
Última actualización August 4, 2023
Ver producto original y demostración Ver producto original y demostraciónVer producto original y demostración

100% Original - Todas las funciones Premium incluidas.

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