Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment

Aliexpress dropshipping and fulfillment

Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment

Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment

The ALD (AliExpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment) plugin for WooCommerce is designed to simplify and streamline the process of running a dropshipping business using AliExpress. Here are some of the key features and functionalities of this plugin:

1. Connecting AliExpress and WooCommerce Store:

  • You can connect your WooCommerce store to AliExpress using either a Secret Key or the WooCommerce REST API.

2. Importing Products:

  • You can import products from AliExpress to your WooCommerce store, either single products or entire categories.

3. Setting Up Imported Products:

  • You can customize the settings for the products you import, including their status, categories, tags, description, attributes, variations, shipping cost, and more.

4. Price and Inventory Synchronization:

  • The plugin allows you to set up rules for synchronizing product prices and inventory from AliExpress. You can also manage price and inventory syncing using a Chrome extension.

5. Shipping and Estimated Delivery Time:

  • You can choose shipping methods for each product on the front end, and configure settings for choosing shipping methods on the cart and checkout pages.

6. Managing AliExpress Orders:

  • You can quickly check and fulfill AliExpress orders within the plugin. Orders can also be managed in the WooCommerce order admin.

7. Fulfilling Orders:

  • The plugin offers options to fulfill orders either using its extension or the AliExpress API. You can change order statuses, add a default phone number, and more.

8. Bulk Actions:

  • You can perform bulk actions on selected products, such as setting categories, tags, visibility, and more.

9. Product Overriding:

  • You can set rules for overridden products, providing flexibility when managing your product listings.

10. Migration Support:

  • The plugin supports migrating AliExpress products that were imported using other plugins like Ali2Woo or Alidropship.

11. Extensive Customization:

  • You can set up global rules for products and prices, exchange rates, custom price rules, and more.

12. Documentation and Support:

  • The plugin comes with documentation to guide you through its features. It also appears to offer email notification and logging features to help you keep track of changes.

Please note that the plugin relies on the data provided by AliExpress and AliExpress API, so the accuracy of product information depends on the data available on AliExpress. Additionally, the plugin offers various features to streamline the management of your dropshipping business.

It’s important to read and understand the documentation and ensure your WooCommerce store is correctly set up to use the plugin effectively.

Versión actual v2.1.2
Última actualización September 17, 2024
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Versión actual v2.1.2
Última actualización September 17, 2024
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