Ultimate Affiliate Pro

Ultimate affiliate pro

Ultimate Affiliate Pro

Ultimate Affiliate Pro

Ultimate Affiliate Pro is a cutting-edge Affiliate WordPress Plugin that’s available for free and provides a comprehensive platform for your affiliates with various rewards and earnings, including rank-based rewards and special offers. It’s a game-changing plugin that offers an exceptional business management experience, even for those without programming or technical expertise.

Key Features of the Ultimate Affiliate Pro Plugin

  • Ranks with Achievements: Set up different ranks for your affiliates with associated achievements.
  • Unlimited Affiliates: There’s no limit to the number of affiliates you can have.
  • Custom Amount: Customize the affiliate earnings based on specific criteria.
  • Special Offers: Provide unique offers and incentives to your affiliates.
  • Multi-level Marketing: Implement multi-level marketing structures for your affiliate program.
  • Lifetime Commissions: Affiliates earn commissions for the lifetime of referred customers.
  • Performance Bonuses: Reward affiliates for achieving specific performance milestones.
  • Banners Management: Manage and display affiliate banners effectively.
  • PayPal Payouts: Easily handle payouts through PayPal.
  • Stripe Payouts: Manage payouts seamlessly with Stripe integration.
  • Recurring Referrals: Recognize ongoing commissions for recurring payments.
  • Allow Own Referrals: Affiliates can earn from their own referrals.
  • Signup Referrals: Reward affiliates for recruiting new members.
  • Social Share: Encourage affiliates to share content on social media.
  • OptIn Integration: Integration with opt-in forms for lead generation.
  • Landing Commission: Reward affiliates based on landing page performance.
  • Wallet: Manage earnings and transactions with an affiliate wallet.
  • Affiliate Coupons: Enable affiliates to use unique coupons.
  • Affiliate Custom Slug: Customize affiliate links for a more personalized touch.
  • Friendly Affiliate Links: Create user-friendly affiliate links.
  • Fair Checkout Reward: Reward affiliates for fair and honest checkout practices.
  • BuddyPress Account Page: Integration with BuddyPress for account management.
  • WooCommerce Account Page: Seamlessly manage accounts through WooCommerce.
  • Custom Currency: Use a currency of your choice for transactions.
  • Top Affiliates: Recognize and showcase top-performing affiliates.
  • Custom Fields Form: Customize the affiliate registration form with additional fields.
  • Account Page: A dedicated account page for affiliates.
  • Affiliate Info: Provide affiliates with detailed information and statistics.
  • Translation Ready: The plugin supports translation into multiple languages.
  • Reports: Access detailed reports and analytics for your affiliate program.
  • Notifications: Keep affiliates informed with notifications.

Ultimate Affiliate Pro is a versatile and user-friendly plugin that empowers you to create and manage a successful affiliate program with ease. It offers a wide range of features to help you reward and motivate your affiliates, track their performance, and grow your business effectively.



Versión actual v9.0
Última actualización July 25, 2024
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 5/5
Versión actual v9.0
Última actualización July 25, 2024
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