WP User Frontend Pro Plugin

Wp user frontend pro plugin

WP User Frontend Pro Plugin

The WP User Frontend Pro Plugin is a versatile WordPress plugin that empowers users to interact with your website’s frontend. It offers a wide range of features for creating a seamless and user-friendly experience for both site owners and visitors. Some of the key features and functionalities of this plugin include:

  1. Custom Post Types: It supports custom post types, enabling you to create and manage different types of content on your website.
  2. Custom Taxonomies: You can introduce your own custom taxonomies to categorize and organize your content.
  3. Guest Posting: The plugin allows guest posting, which means that even non-registered users can submit content to your site.
  4. Image Insertion: Users can easily insert images into their post content for more visually appealing articles.
  5. Post Status Management: You have control over the status of submitted posts, allowing you to review, approve, or publish them.
  6. Notifications: Get notifications for new post submissions and edits to keep track of user-generated content.
  7. Self-Serve Event Registration: Users can register for events directly from the frontend.
  8. Membership Sites and Profiles: Create membership sites and user profiles using templates, customizable forms, and various fields.
  9. Custom Meta Fields: Advanced and custom meta fields offer flexibility in collecting and displaying data.
  10. Conditional Logic: Implement conditional logic in your forms and fields for dynamic user interactions.
  11. Spam Protection: The plugin provides spam protection mechanisms to keep your site clean from unwanted content.
  12. Social Login: Allow users to log in or register using their social media accounts.
  13. HTML Email Templates: Customize the email notifications sent to users with HTML templates.
  14. QR Code Generator: Generate QR codes for different purposes, such as event tickets or promotions.
  15. Private Messaging: Users can communicate through private messaging within your site.
  16. Advanced Custom Field Integration: Integrate with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) for more advanced data handling.
  17. Paid Posting System: Implement a paid posting system to monetize your site by charging users for content submissions.
  18. Frontend Post Submission: Users can easily submit posts from the frontend, eliminating the need to access the WordPress dashboard.
  19. Membership and Profile Builder: Build user profiles and membership sites with customizable forms.
  20. Redirection and Reminders: Configure custom redirection after login or submission and set up reminder emails.
  21. Shortcodes: Easily use the plugin anywhere on your site with the help of shortcodes.
  22. Role-Based Support: Assign different roles and permissions to users for controlled access.
  23. Drag-and-Drop Form Builder: Create forms with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.
  24. Guest Post Submission: Allow guest users to submit content to your site, increasing user engagement.
  25. Subscription-Based Posting: Monetize your site by offering subscription-based posting options.
  26. Schedule Forms: Set up forms to be available at specific times and restrict the number of entries.
  27. Integration with Advanced Custom Fields: Seamlessly integrate with ACF for advanced content management.
  28. Drag-and-Drop Form Creation: Use a visual drag-and-drop builder to create, customize, and publish forms effortlessly.
  29. Custom Redirection: Define where users are redirected after login or submission, providing a smoother user experience.
  30. Earn with Subscription-Based Posting: Create revenue streams by allowing users to pay for posting content on your site.
  31. Form Scheduling and Entry Restriction: Schedule forms to be active during specific time frames and limit the number of submissions.
  32. Notificaciones por correo electrónico: Get email reminders and notifications to stay updated on user activity and submissions.

The WP User Frontend Pro Plugin is a powerful tool for enhancing the user experience on your website, and it provides a wide range of features to cater to various types of websites, including blogs, forums, membership sites, and more. It is designed to be flexible, user-friendly, and versatile, making it a valuable addition to any WordPress site.

Versión actual 4.0.11
Última actualización September 14, 2024
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 5/5
Versión actual 4.0.11
Última actualización September 14, 2024
Ver producto original y demostración Ver producto original y demostraciónVer producto original y demostración

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