Jobs Portal Pro – Plugin For WordPress

Jobs portal pro - plugin for wordpress

Jobs Portal Pro – Plugin For WordPress

Jobs Portal Pro is a comprehensive plugin designed to seamlessly integrate job listings and management functionalities into your WordPress website. It caters to the needs of both recruiters and job seekers, providing a user-friendly platform for job posting, searching, and application processes. Here’s an overview of its key features and capabilities:

General Features

  • Integration with Job Portals: The plugin can automatically integrate with major job portals, allowing you to display job offers from their databases on your website. This feature can also potentially generate commissions for you when visitors click on job links.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The plugin offers a simple and elegant way for applicants to filter, search, and apply for jobs, enhancing the user experience on your site.
  • Complete Job Management System: The plugin supports the full cycle of job management from job posting to application handling.

Super Admin Features

  1. Manage and View All Activities: Centralized control over all job-related activities on your website.
  2. Add Industries, Departments, Job Types, Skills: Customize and manage different categories to suit various job postings.
  3. Add and Publish Jobs: Post new job listings directly from the admin panel.
  4. Verify Recruiter Accounts: Ensure the authenticity of recruiter profiles before activation.
  5. Activate/Deactivate Recruiter Accounts: Control the status of recruiter accounts as needed.
  6. View and Manage Registered Candidates: Keep track of all registered job seekers.
  7. View Job Applications: Monitor and manage the applications submitted for various job postings.

Recruiter Features

  1. Register Company Profile: Recruiters can create and manage their company profiles.
  2. Add and Publish New Jobs: Post new job opportunities and make them visible to potential candidates.
  3. View Job Applications: Access and review the applications submitted by job seekers.
  4. View Candidate CV: Examine the resumes of applicants to shortlist suitable candidates.

Candidate Features

  1. Register and Upload CV: Job seekers can create profiles and upload their resumes for job applications.
  2. Search for Jobs: Use advanced search filters to find suitable job openings.
  3. View Job Requirements: Check the detailed requirements and descriptions of job listings.
  4. Apply to Jobs: Submit applications directly through the website in a straightforward manner.


  1. Automation: The plugin automates the integration with external job databases, saving time and effort in maintaining job listings.
  2. Monetization: Potential to earn commissions from job link clicks, adding a revenue stream for your website.
  3. Enhanced Functionality: Provides a robust job portal solution within your WordPress site, eliminating the need for external job management tools.
  4. Customizability: Allows for extensive customization to fit the specific needs of different industries and job types.


Jobs Portal Pro is an essential plugin for WordPress websites aiming to offer a comprehensive job portal solution. It streamlines the process for both recruiters and job seekers, providing an efficient and elegant platform for job management. Whether you’re running a niche job board or a large-scale employment website, Jobs Portal Pro equips you with the tools to enhance your job-related services and potentially generate additional revenue.

Versión actual v2.6
Última actualización May 26, 2024
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Versión actual v2.6
Última actualización May 26, 2024
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