GP Google Sheets

Gp google sheets

GP Google Sheets

The “GP Google Sheets” plugin seamlessly integrates Gravity Forms with Google Sheets, empowering you to automatically transfer and synchronize entry data, opening up a realm of possibilities for managing your data effectively.

Key Functionalities:

  1. Automated Data Transfer: Facilitates the direct transfer of entry data from Gravity Forms to Google Sheets without the need for extra software or monthly subscriptions, prioritizing security and performance.
  2. Data Syncing: Ensures that your Google Sheet stays updated in real-time with your Gravity Forms entries, guaranteeing accuracy and consistency.
  3. Sync Edits Automatically: Any modifications made to your entries will be automatically synced with your Google Sheets. Entries that are trashed or spammed will also be removed from the sheet.
  4. Flexible Spreadsheet Management:
    • Create a new spreadsheet dedicated to your form or map data to existing spreadsheets as needed.
    • Fetch data from Google Sheets to populate your forms when used in conjunction with Gravity Forms Populate Anything.
  5. Security Measures:
    • Utilizes Google’s secure authentication methods, safeguarding your Google files and data, ensuring exclusive access.
  6. Cost-Effective Solution:
    • No monthly fees or transfer limitations, providing the extensive capabilities of Google Sheets without ongoing costs.
  7. Automatic Updates: Ensures you receive the latest features and updates directly through your dashboard.
  8. Dedicated Support: Offers reliable and comprehensive support to assist you effectively.

Benefits of Google Sheets Integration:

  1. Organization and Analysis: Easily organize and analyze form data using Google Sheets’ functionalities like formulas, pivot tables, and charts for comprehensive data evaluation.
  2. Collaboration: Enables multiple users to access and edit the same sheet, fostering seamless team collaboration on data analysis.
  3. Accessibility: Accessible from any device with an internet connection, offering offline access as well. Facilitates easy access and work on form data from anywhere.
  4. Security Measures: Google Sheets employs standard security protocols, including access controls, activity logs, and data encryption, ensuring data protection.
  5. Integration Capabilities: Easily integrates with other Google tools like Looker Studio and BigQuery, streamlining data collection and analysis workflows.

By bridging Gravity Forms and Google Sheets, this plugin enables a smooth and efficient process

Versión actual 1.1.17
Última actualización May 24, 2024
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Versión actual 1.1.17
Última actualización May 24, 2024
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