AI ChatBot for WordPress with OpenAI – ChatGPT

Ai chatbot for wordpress with openai - chatgpt

AI ChatBot for WordPress with OpenAI – ChatGPT

WPBot ChatBot is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed to enhance user engagement, provide support, answer questions, and increase conversions on your website. It leverages advanced technologies like OpenAI’s ChatGPT to create a more interactive and personalized experience for your users.

Características principales:

  1. Personalized, Persistent ChatBot:
    • WPBot offers a personalized welcome message to users, improving user experience and engagement. The ChatBot is available 24/7, ensuring users always have assistance.
  2. Plug and Play Installation:
    • WPBot is easy to install and configure, requiring minimal setup. It’s designed for English websites with immediate functionality, and other language setups can be customized within minutes.
  3. Artificial Intelligence & NLP:
    • Integrated with OpenAI and Google’s Natural Language Processing (NLP), WPBot can engage in small talk, understand user requests, and fulfill reasonable queries.
  4. User Intent Detection:
    • WPBot detects user intents from natural language inputs, allowing it to respond appropriately to various commands and requests.
  5. Predefined Intents:
    • Includes predefined intents like Simple Text Responses, Website Search, Email Subscription, Call Me Back, Feedback Collection, FAQs, and Support Email, which are ready to use upon installation.
  6. Custom Intents & DialogFlow Integration:
    • Allows for the creation of custom intents and responses directly in DialogFlow, enabling a more intelligent and human-like interaction. Rich responses, including images and cards, can be integrated into the chat.
  7. Chained Questions & Answers:
    • Supports chained questions and answers using Follow Up Intents, Contexts, and Entities in DialogFlow. User inputs trigger specific responses or actions, enhancing the conversational flow.
  8. Rich Responses & Facebook Messenger Integration:
    • Enables rich responses using Facebook Messenger integration, displaying images, cards, quick text replies, or custom payloads within the chat interface.

Additional Add-Ons Available:

  • Conversational Forms Pro Add-On: Enhances forms for a more conversational experience.
  • Live Chat Add-On: Adds live chat functionality to WPBot.
  • Chat Sessions Add-On: Manages and tracks chat sessions for better user support.
  • Facebook Messenger Add-On: Integrates WPBot with Facebook Messenger for broader reach.
  • WhatsApp ChatBot Integration Add-On: Connects WPBot with WhatsApp for user engagement.
  • OpenAI GPT-3 Integration Add-On: Enhances WPBot’s capabilities with OpenAI’s powerful GPT-3 model.
  • Extended Search Add-On: Improves website search functionality within WPBot.
  • White Label Add-On: Allows customization and branding of WPBot.
  • Mailing List Integration Add-On: Integrates WPBot with mailing list services.
  • Extended UI Add-On: Adds additional templates and UI options for WPBot.
  • Multi-Language Add-On: Enables WPBot to support multiple languages.
  • Voice Message Add-On: Introduces voice messaging capabilities to WPBot.
  • Simple Text Responses Pro Add-On: Enhances simple text responses with more features.
  • Voice Communication Add-On: Integrates voice communication within WPBot.
  • WooCommerce Add-On: Adds WooCommerce support to WPBot for e-commerce interactions.
  • Telegram Add-On: Integrates WPBot with Telegram for chat functionality.

WPBot ChatBot with ChatGPT offers a versatile and powerful solution for WordPress websites, enhancing user engagement, support, and conversion rates through advanced conversational AI capabilities.

Versión actual v12.7.0
Última actualización May 16, 2024
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Versión actual v12.7.0
Última actualización May 16, 2024
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