WP Rentals – Booking Accommodation WordPress Theme

Wp rentals – booking accommodation wordpress theme

WP Rentals – Booking Accommodation WordPress Theme

WP Rentals is a specialized WordPress theme tailored for creating rental platforms, whether as a single owner or facilitating user registrations for publishing listings. Offering an extensive range of features, it simplifies calendar synchronization with platforms like Airbnb and HomeAway via Ical feed support.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Easy Setup: Import demos effortlessly and start editing them immediately to suit your requirements.
  2. Responsive & Retina Ready: Ensures a smooth user experience on all devices and platforms.
  3. SMS Notifications: Integrated SMS notifications via Twilio API for sending messages to verified phone numbers.
  4. Booking Payments via WooCommerce: Option to use WooCommerce for handling payments, supporting over 150 merchants worldwide, allowing for instant booking deposits without requiring login.
  5. Custom Booking Form Links: Ability to redirect users to third-party websites (like Airbnb, Booking.com) for booking requests through custom links.
  6. Page Builder & Sliders: Bundles Bakery Page Builder, Revolution Slider, and Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder for easy page creation and modern slideshow creation.
  7. Elementor Widgets: Offers 13 WpRentals Elementor Widgets for creating modern pages using Elementor page builder.
  8. Booking Options: Provides flexibility with hourly and daily booking options, allowing customization for weekends, minimum booking days, cleaning fees, and more.
  9. Multi-Language Support: Can be translated into any language using WPML or Weglot plugins for multilingual functionality.
  10. Payment & Fee Options: Offers various fee settings such as deposit fees, service fees, taxes, extra fees per guest or night, etc., allowing owners to manage their reservations.
  11. Custom Pricing: Enables setting custom prices for various booking periods, early bird discounts, cleaning fees, city fees, and more.
  12. Booking Management: Allows users to register, submit listings, and manage their reservations from their accounts.
  13. Admin Control: Admins can manage turn-over days, instant booking approvals, sync Ical feed, set header and menu options, and optimize Google Maps API for property searches.
  14. Translation & Compatibility: Supports translation into any language and is compatible with WPML and Weglot for multilingual sites.
  15. Customization & Caching: Provides options for custom colors, built-in caching system, unlimited sidebars, and documentation for easy customization.
  16. Google Maps Integration: Optimized Google Maps API implementation with Open Street Maps and Places, allowing geolocation-based searches and custom pin placement on the map.
  17. Detailed Features: HTML5 & CSS3, Bootstrap 3 framework, Revolution Slider, WPBakery Page Builder, detailed documentation, responsive design, and more.

WP Rentals encompasses an extensive array of functionalities catering to various aspects of rental management, payment processing, booking options, and user management for a versatile rental platform.

Aktuelle Version v3.12.2
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 18, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

Aktuelle Version v3.12.2
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 18, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.