WooCommerce Group Coupons

Woocommerce group coupons

WooCommerce Group Coupons

WooCommerce Group Coupons

Automate Coupon Application for Specific User Groups Offer tailored, exclusive, and automated discounts by leveraging WooCommerce Group Coupons. This extension seamlessly integrates with the free Groups membership plugin and WordPress roles to manage coupon validity effectively.


Automatic Coupon Application for Group Members: Enable automatic application of coupons for designated group members, ensuring effortless discounts for specific customer groups. This feature covers scenarios from providing promotional discounts automatically to registered users to offering exclusive discounts for distinct user groups like distributors or high-volume clients.

Restrict Coupons to Group Members: Control coupon usage by restricting coupons solely to group members. This feature empowers you to regulate who can utilize coupons based on their group memberships, complementing the automatic coupon application for groups.

Exclude Groups from Coupon Usage: Effectively exclude specific group members from utilizing particular coupons. This feature allows for running promotions targeted at new customers while excluding existing ones or offering more privileged groups additional discounts.

Restrict Coupons to WordPress Roles: Tailor coupon access based on specific WordPress user roles. For instance, provide a promotional discount exclusively to existing customers with the Customer role, limiting access for regular registered users.

Display Stylish Coupons: Utilize a shortcode to elegantly display coupons managed by the extension to your customers. The displayed coupons adhere to user account validity, coupon settings, and shortcode configurations.

With these extensive features, the extension facilitates:

Exclusive discount coupons for group members via the free Groups membership plugin Exclusive discount coupons for specific roles Automated discounts tailored for group members Precise targeting of discounts for groups and roles Easily accessible coupons through shortcodes Catering to diverse promotional and marketing needs

Examples and Screenshots:

  • Restricted Coupon for Registered Users: Coupon limited to registered users, automatically applied, while excluding the Test group from its usage.
  • Automatic Coupon for Distributors: Coupon settings customized for automatic application to two distributor groups.
  • Coupon Limited to Certain Groups: Example demonstrating coupon restriction to Level 1 and Level 2 groups.
  • Coupon Limited to Customers: Coupon settings exclusively for users with the Customer role.

Extension Settings:

The extension offers user-friendly settings, providing seamless control over coupon configurations. It seamlessly integrates with the free Groups membership plugin, allowing comprehensive coupon settings related to groups.

Aktuelle Version 2.8.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert August 1, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen
 5/5
Aktuelle Version 2.8.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert August 1, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.