WooCommerce CyberSource Gateway

Woocommerce cybersource gateway

WooCommerce CyberSource Gateway

The WooCommerce CyberSource Gateway is an extension that integrates CyberSource’s payment processing services into WooCommerce, providing an advanced and secure payment solution for online stores. Here are some key features and benefits of the WooCommerce CyberSource Gateway:

  1. Payment Options:
    • Accept payments with credit cards, eChecks, and digital wallets like Visa Checkout and Google Pay directly on your WooCommerce site.
    • Support for major credit/debit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, UnionPay, Diner’s Club, JCB, and Maestro.
  2. Fraud Prevention:
    • Benefit from CyberSource’s fraud-prevention systems, including the Decision Manager tool.
    • Utilize 3D Secure support for added security and compliance.
  3. Digital Wallet Support:
    • Includes digital wallet support for Visa Checkout and Google Pay, offering more payment options to customers.
  4. Seamless Checkout Process:
    • Customers enter their payment details in a completely integrated payment form on your WooCommerce site, ensuring a seamless checkout experience.
    • Use Flex Microform to support SAQ A PCI compliance.
  5. Customizable Checkout:
    • Choose what your checkout process will look like while keeping customers on your site for the entire process.
    • Show detailed decline messages at checkout instead of generic errors for better customer understanding.
  6. Automatic Refunds and Voids:
    • Process refunds for CyberSource payments directly from within WooCommerce, without logging into your merchant account separately.
    • Speed up store management with the ability to create full or partial refunds from the Edit Order screen.
  7. Securely Save Customer Payment Methods:
    • Customers can securely save multiple payment methods to their accounts for faster checkout.
    • Payment data is stored on CyberSource’s secure servers, reducing PCI compliance responsibilities.
  8. Subscription and Pre-Order Support:
    • Fully supports WooCommerce Subscriptions, allowing customers to sign up for subscriptions with credit cards or eChecks.
    • Compatible with WooCommerce Pre-Orders, enabling upfront payment information capture for pre-orders.
  9. Capture Charges Directly from WooCommerce:
    • Option to capture previously authorized transactions directly from the Edit Order screen, streamlining the order management process.

By integrating the WooCommerce CyberSource Gateway, you can enhance your online store’s payment capabilities, provide a secure checkout experience, and leverage advanced features for fraud prevention and management.

Aktuelle Version 2.8.2
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 9, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 2.8.2
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 9, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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