Krowd Crowdfunding and Charity WordPress Theme

Krowd crowdfunding and charity wordpress theme

Krowd Crowdfunding and Charity WordPress Theme

Krowd is a crowdfunding projects and charity donation WordPress theme designed for various types of crowdfunding businesses, charities, fundraising, non-profit organizations, NGOs, churches, mosques, and other related websites. It features a professional and stylish design to create an impactful online presence for crowdfunding and charity projects.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. 3 Home Versions:
    • The theme includes three different home versions to choose from, providing flexibility for your website’s appearance.
  2. 10 Inner Pages:
    • It comes with ten inner pages designed to cater to the specific needs of crowdfunding and charity websites.
  3. Slick Slider:
    • Utilizes the Slick Slider for dynamic and visually appealing content presentation.
  4. Valid HTML5 / CSS3:
    • The theme is built with valid HTML5 and CSS3 for modern web standards compliance.
  5. CSS3 Animations:
    • Integrates CSS3 animations for enhanced visual effects and interactivity.
  6. Saas Files Included:
    • Includes Saas (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) files for efficient and organized stylesheet development.
  7. Advance Bootstrap 4 Framework:
    • Built on the latest Bootstrap 4 framework, ensuring a responsive and mobile-friendly layout.
  8. Truly SEO Optimized Code:
    • The theme’s code is optimized for search engines (SEO) to improve visibility in search results.
  9. Cross Browser Compatibility:
    • Ensures compatibility with various web browsers for a consistent user experience.
  10. W3C Validate Code:
    • The theme’s code is validated according to W3C standards for code quality and consistency.
  11. Fully Responsive:
    • Krowd is fully responsive, adapting to different screen sizes for optimal viewing on various devices.
  12. Umfangreiche Dokumentation:
    • Comes with comprehensive documentation to guide users through the setup and customization process.
  13. Fully Customizable & Easy to Modify:
    • The theme is designed to be easily customizable, allowing users to modify and adapt it to their specific needs.
  14. Well-Commented Files:
    • All files are well-commented, making it easier for developers to understand and work with the code.

Krowd Crowdfunding and Charity WordPress Theme is a versatile and visually appealing solution for creating impactful websites dedicated to crowdfunding projects and charitable causes.

Aktuelle Version v1.3.6
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 22, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen
 5/5
Aktuelle Version v1.3.6
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 22, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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