GeoDirectory Claim Listings

Geodirectory claim listings

GeoDirectory Claim Listings

The GeoDirectory Claim Listings addon facilitates business owners in claiming their listings, streamlining the process for users to submit, manage, and enhance their listings once approved. This feature allows directory managers to delegate the responsibility of maintaining listings to the business owners themselves.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Easy Placement: Incorporate a simple claim button anywhere using shortcodes, widgets, or Gutenberg Blocks, enabling seamless access for users to claim listings.
  2. User-Friendly Claim Form: Utilize a lightbox popup claim form for effortless on-page claims, ensuring a smooth and convenient claiming process.
  3. Ninja Forms Integration: Integration with Ninja Forms (free) provides customization options for the claim form, enabling the creation of multiple forms tailored to specific directory requirements. These forms can be displayed directly in a tab on the listing details page.
  4. Pay-to-Claim Option: Combine with the Pricing Manager add-on to offer a pay-to-claim feature. Users can initially access free listings with limited features and subsequently pay to upgrade and unlock additional listing features.
  5. Claim Approval Workflow: Offers various claim approval methods, including auto-approval through email verification or upon payment receipt. Admins can manually approve or reject claims after reviewing the submitted information, with the ability to undo accidental or undesired approvals.
  6. Email Notifications: Both admins and users receive email notifications for new claims, approval, or rejection of requests. The addon provides customization options for adjusting email settings.
  7. Verified Listing Badge: Display a verified listing badge using the “post badge” widget, shortcode, or block, offering users a visual indicator of verified listings.
  8. Sort by Verified Listings: Utilize the claimed custom field in the sorting builder to organize listings by verified status or integrate it as a ranking factor in various sorting options.

This addon simplifies the claiming process for business owners, empowering them to manage and enhance their listings, while also providing admins with control over the approval process and enhancing directory functionality for users.

Aktuelle Version 2.3.1
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 7, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 2.3.1
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 7, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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