Bookly PayPal Checkout

Bookly paypal checkout

Bookly PayPal Checkout

Bookly PayPal Checkout (Add-on) empowers your booking system with secure online payment acceptance through one of the most widely trusted payment gateways. This seamless integration allows you to effortlessly incorporate the PayPal payment option into your Bookly PRO booking form. Offering this streamlined payment method to your customers enables swift and secure service purchases with just a few clicks. Opting for PayPal, customers are smoothly redirected to the PayPal site to confirm and finalize their orders, ensuring a secure and hassle-free payment experience.

Please Note: PayPal service availability varies by country/region. Depending on the country, PayPal may limit payment options (e.g., allowing payments solely through a PayPal account) or restrict guest checkout (credit card payment without PayPal login). Refer to PayPal documentation or contact their Customer Service for specific information.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  • Integration of PayPal Payment Option: Seamlessly add the PayPal payment option to the Bookly online booking form.
  • Flexible Payment Methods: Clients can conveniently pay using their PayPal balance or credit card for enhanced flexibility.
  • Price Adjustment: Utilize the price correction feature to modify appointment prices if clients opt for PayPal payments.
  • Enhanced Tax Management: If you have the Bookly Taxes Add-on installed and activated, seamlessly transmit tax information to the payment gateway.
  • Simplified Checkout Experience: Provide a straightforward and hassle-free checkout process for your customers.

Effortless Integration: Similar to all Bookly add-ons, the PayPal Checkout payments feature seamlessly integrates with the Bookly PRO Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System. Setting it up requires just a few minutes, enabling a smooth and secure online payment experience for your customers.

Aktuelle Version 2.6
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 9, 2024
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 5/5
Aktuelle Version 2.6
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 9, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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